Free Settler or Felon
Convict and Colonial History

Search Result

Surname: Brown (Bentley)
First Name: Charlotte
Ship: Lucy Davidson 1829
Date: 1836 April
Place: Newcastle
Source: Register Book of Christ Church Cathedral, Newcastle. Page 62
Details: Marriage of William Bentley (colonial born) aged 33 and Charlotte Brown aged 35. Witnesses Richard Hollin and Elizabeth Simmons

Surname: Brown (Howitt)
First Name: Charlotte
Ship: Lucy Davidson 1829
Date: 1832 3 October
Place: Maitland
Source: 1832 GG
Details: Granted Ticket of Leave

Surname: Chapman
First Name: Ann
Ship: Lucy Davidson 1829
Date: 1832 23 August
Place: Newcastle
Source: Application to marry
Details: Bond. Application to marry John Broadbent

Surname: Chapman
First Name: Ann
Ship: Lucy Davidson 1829
Date: 1831 5 March
Place: Newcastle
Source: NGE
Details: Native of Yorkshire. Servant. Arrived at Newcastle gaol from Sydney Gaol. Sentenced to 3 yrs in a penal settlement for mutinous conduct and riot in the female factory at Parramatta. Sent to private service of John Smith of Maitland on 6 September by order of George Brooks

Surname: Chapman
First Name: Ann
Ship: Lucy Davidson 1829
Date: 1831 15 October
Place: Newcastle
Source: NGE
Details: Servant from Yorkshire. Admitted to Newcastle gaol from Maitland, her master Mr. Smith having no further call for her services

Surname: Chapman
First Name: Ann
Ship: Lucy Davidson 1829
Date: -
Place: -
Source: A.O. N.S.W. Convict Indent Fiche 673 p. 257
Details: Aged 22. Married, no children. Native of Leeds. Occupation: all work. Offence: stealing money. Tried at Leeds 4 May 1829 and sentenced to 7 years transportaton. 2 prior convictions. Ruddy complexion, light brown hair, hazel eyes.

Surname: Chapman
First Name: Ann
Ship: Lucy Davidson 1829
Date: 27 January 1831
Place: Sydney
Source: SG
Details: Absconded from Mr. A. Murray at Sydney

Surname: Chapman (Broadbent)
First Name: Ann
Ship: Lucy Davidson 1829
Date: 1832
Place: Newcastle
Source: Register Book of Christ Church Cathedral, Newcastle
Details: Marriage of John Broadbent and Ann Chapman both of Newcastle

Surname: Chappel
First Name: Jane
Ship: Lucy Davidson 1829
Date: 1832 11 July
Place: Maitland
Source: 1832 GG
Details: Granted ticket of leave for good conduct in service

Surname: Chappel
First Name: Jane
Ship: Lucy Davidson 1829
Date: -
Place: -
Source: A.O. N.S.W. Convict Indent Fiche 673 p. 257
Details: Aged 30. Married with 2 children (one on board). Native of Liverpool. Occupation: all work & needlewoman. Tried in London 9 April 1829. Sentenced to 7 yrs transportation for stealing pots. 5'3"; ruddy complexion, brown hair, hazel eyes. Assigned to Mary Kenyon in Sydney

Surname: Chappel
First Name: Jane
Ship: Lucy Davidson 1829
Date: 18 May 1830
Place: -
Source: SG
Details: Age 31. Servant from Liverpool. Absconded from Mrs. M.A. Kenyon.

Surname: Chappel
First Name: Jane
Ship: Lucy Davidson 1829
Date: 9 April 1829
Place: York St. Marylebone
Source: The Proceedings of the Old Bailey Online
Details: Age 29. Sentenced to 7 years transportation for stealing a pewter pot. Prisoner's defence: I stopped to tie up my stocking, a man and a woman came by; the man put his face close to mine, and I took up the pot which stood there merely to pretend that I stooped for that - I had not gone many yards when this gentleman took me.

Surname: Chappel (Addy)
First Name: Jane
Ship: Lucy Davidson 1829
Date: 1833
Place: Newcastle
Source: Register Book of Christ Church Cathedral, Newcastle
Details: Marriage of John Addy and Jane Chappel both of Maitland

Surname: Chappel (Chapel)
First Name: Jane
Ship: Lucy Davidson 1829
Date: 1833 31 January
Place: Newcastle
Source: Application to marry
Details: Ticket of leave holder. Application to marry John Addy

Surname: Cole
First Name: Loveday Lucy
Ship: Lucy Davidson 1829
Date: 9 December 1835
Place: -
Source: NSW Government Gazette
Details: Granted Certificate of Freedom

Surname: Cole
First Name: Loveday Lucy
Ship: Lucy Davidson 1829
Date: 1829
Place: -
Source: Convict Indents. State Archives NSW; Series: NRS 12188; Item: [4/4014]; Microfiche: 673
Details: Loveday Lucy Cole, 33, native place Devon. Occupation - dressmaker and ladies maid. Tried at Carmarthen 22 September 1828. Sentenced to 7 years transportation for stealing clothes. Assigned to James Raymond, George St. Sydney on arrival

Surname: Connelly
First Name: Mary
Ship: Lucy Davidson 1829
Date: 28 January 1840
Place: Newcastle gaol
Source: State Archives NSW; Gaol Entrance Book, Item: 2/2020; Roll: 757
Details: Admitted to Newcastle gaol from Maitland. Vagrant. Sentenced to 3 months confinement

Surname: Cox (alias Doran)
First Name: Ann
Ship: Lucy Davidson 1829
Date: -
Place: -
Source: A.O. N.S.W. Convict Indent Fiche 673 p. 257
Details: Aged 26. Native of Dublin. Occupation Cook. Tried in London 11 April 1829 for stealing shirts. 4'9"; ruddy freckled complexon. Brown hair, blue eyes. Assigned to Thomas Spicer in York Street Sydney

Surname: Cox (alias Doran)
First Name: Ann
Ship: Lucy Davidson 1829
Date: 1840 19 August
Place: Port Stephens
Source: GG
Details: Granted Ticket of Leave

Surname: Cox (alias Doran)
First Name: Ann
Ship: Lucy Davidson 1829
Date: 11 June 1829
Place: London
Source: The Proceedings of the Old Bailey Online
Details: Age 26. Sentenced to transportation for life for stealing, on 16th May, 2 shirts and a waistcoat, the goods of John Fleming