Free Settler or Felon
Convict and Colonial History

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Surname: Leppard (Leopard)
First Name: Charlotte
Ship: Grenada 1825
Date: January 1825
Place: Sydney Cove
Source: Convict Indents. State Archives NSW; Series: NRS 12188; Item: [4/4009A]; Microfiche: 654
Details: Charlotte Leopard age 30. House maid from Fulham. Tried at Newgate 15 April 1824. Sentenced to 7 years transportation.

Surname: Lloyd
First Name: Isabella
Ship: Grenada 1825
Date: 1828
Place: Dalwood
Source: 1828 Census
Details: Servant aged 23. Assigned to G. Wyndham

Surname: Lloyd
First Name: Isabella
Ship: Grenada 1825
Date: 1828 5 November
Place: Newcastle
Source: Application to marry
Details: 23 yrs of age; bond. Application to marry Thomas Anderson

Surname: Lloyd
First Name: Isabella
Ship: Grenada 1825
Date: -
Place: -
Source: Squatter s Castle
Details: Described in the book as a wild, red headed girl assigned to George Wyndham at Hunter River and employed as a housemaid until the Wyndhams found her bashing their child s head against a tree stump

Surname: Lloyd
First Name: Isabella
Ship: Grenada 1825
Date: 29 May 1826
Place: Sydney Gaol
Source: State Archives NSW; Gaol Description and Entrance Books, 1818-1930; Series: 2514; Item: 4/6429; Roll: 850 (Ancestry).
Details: Admitted to Sydney Gaol via the general sessions, Sydney, having no further use of her services. Sent to the Female Factory at Parramatta.

Surname: Lloyd
First Name: Isabella
Ship: Grenada 1825
Date: 22 January 1829
Place: Sydney Gaol
Source: State Archives NSW; Gaol Description and Entrance Books, 1818-1930; Series: 2514; Item: 4/6431; Roll: 851.
Details: Admitted to Sydney gaol - unfit for service. Sent to the 1st Class Female Factory, Parramatta

Surname: Lloyd
First Name: Isabella
Ship: Grenada 1825
Date: 1825
Place: -
Source: State Archives NSW; Series: NRS 12188; Title: Bound manuscript indents, 1788-1842; Item: [4/4009A]; Microfiche: 654. (Ancestry)
Details: Nursery maid from London age 20. Tried 12 December 1823 and sentenced to 7 years transportation. 5ft 3in, fair complexion, chesnut eyes, dark brown hair, behaved well on the voyage.

Surname: Moore
First Name: Jane
Ship: Grenada 1825
Date: 1 June 1825
Place: Newcastle
Source: NSW Courts Magistrates, Newcastle Police Court: 1823-1825, 1826-1827 (Ancestry)
Details: Jane Moore per Grenada, in the service of William Ogilvie, charged with insolent and threatening language to her mistress and general misconduct. Mrs. Ogilvie states....I yesterday felt obliged to reprimand Jane Moore for inattention to her work, when she replied to me in such a disrespectful manner and made use of such threatening and violent language that I do not consider my self or children safe. Mr. Ogilvie being absent at his farm, whilst she remains under the same roof. The prisoner denies having made use of violent or threatening language but admits having said that the cells of Newgate were Paradise in comparison to her present service. Jane Moore sentenced to the Factory at Parramatta for six months after which period to be returned to Mr. Ogilvies service should he require it.

Surname: Moore
First Name: Jane
Ship: Grenada 1825
Date: January 1825
Place: Sydney Cove
Source: Convict Indents. State Archives NSW; Series: NRS 12188; Item: [4/4009A]; Microfiche: 654
Details: Jane Moore age 27. Milks, makes butter. Native place Suffolk. Tried London 17 February 1824. Sentenced to transportation for life. Very well on the voyage out

Surname: Ogilvie
First Name: Mary
Ship: Grenada 1825 (came free)
Date: 1825
Place: -
Source: Squatter s Castle
Details: Wife of William. Took a liking to convict Ellen Partridge and employed her as a cook after arrival in the colony

Surname: Ogilvie
First Name: Mr. and Mrs. William
Ship: Grenada 1825 (came free)
Date: 1825 27 January
Place: Sydney
Source: The Australian
Details: William, wife and four children free passengers on the Grenada from London

Surname: Ogilvie
First Name: William
Ship: Grenada 1825
Date: 23 January 1825
Place: -
Source: -
Details: Arrived with wife Mary and four children Edward, Ellen, Frederick and William

Surname: Ogilvie
First Name: William and Mary
Ship: Grenada 1825
Date: 1 June 1825
Place: Newcastle
Source: NSW Courts Magistrates, Newcastle Police Court: 1823-1825 (Ancestry)
Details: Jane Moore per Grenada, in the service of William Ogilvie, charged with insolent and threatening language to her mistress and general misconduct. Mrs. Ogilvie states....I yesterday felt obliged to reprimand Jane Moore for inattention to her work, when she replied to me in such a disrespectful manner and made use of such threatening and violent language that I do not consider my self or children safe. Mr. Ogilvie being absent at his farm, whilst she remains under the same roof. The prisoner denies having made use of violent or threatening language but admits having said that the cells of Newgate were Paradise in comparison to her present service. Jane Moore sentenced to the Factory at Parramatta for six months after which period to be returned to Mr. Ogilvies service should he require it.

Surname: Ogilvie
First Name: William, Mary, Edward, Frederick, Ellen
Ship: Grenada 1825 (Came free)
Date: 1825
Place: Newcastle
Source: New South Wales and Tasmania, Australia Convict Musters. Class: HO 10; Piece: 20
Details: William Ogilvie and wife Mary with sons William, Edward, Frederick and daughter Ellen residing at or near Newcastle

Surname: Ogilvie (nee White)
First Name: Mary
Ship: Grenada 1825
Date: -
Place: -
Source: Squatter's Castle
Details: Daughter of Edward White of the Swan Inn in Bishopgate. Sons William Kitchenman b. 1813, Edward David Stewart b. 1814 and Frederick Henry b. 1816

Surname: Partridge
First Name: Mary
Ship: Grenada 1825
Date: 1825
Place: -
Source: CSI
Details: Servant to William Ogilvie at Newcastle. Petition from Ogilvie to have Mary's daughter Ellen returned from Derwent and assigned to him

Surname: Partridge
First Name: Mary
Ship: Grenada 1825
Date: 1837
Place: Patrick Plains
Source: GRC
Details: Ticket of leave holder age 60

Surname: Partridge
First Name: Mary the elder
Ship: Grenada 1825
Date: 1825
Place: -
Source: Squatter s Castle p. 21
Details: A formidable lady known as Partridge the elder as her daughter Ellen had been transported on an earlier ship. Described as a gigantic woman six feet in her stockings. Sentenced to transportation for Life at Lancaster Assizes. Mary Ogilvie took a liking to her and she accompanied the Ogilvies on their trip to Merton

Surname: Partridge the elder
First Name: Mary
Ship: Grenada 1825
Date: January 1825
Place: Sydney Cove
Source: Convict Indents. State Archives NSW; Series: NRS 12188; Item: [4/4009A]; Microfiche: 654
Details: Mary Partridge age 47. House and dairy maid from Cumberland. Tried at Lancaster 29 December 1823. Sentenced to transportation for life. 5ft 8 1/2 in in height. Hazel eyes, black to grey hair. Well behaved on the voyage out

Surname: Shaw
First Name: Hannah
Ship: Grenada 1825
Date: 1828
Place: Dagworth
Source: 1828 Census
Details: Housemaid. Aged 27. Assigned to T.V. Bloomfield