Free Settler or Felon
Convict and Colonial History

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Surname: Roney (Rooney)
First Name: Hugh
Ship: Lady McNaughten 1835.....
Date: 21 May 1841
Place: Maitland
Source: GG
Details: Carter aged 35 from Co. Down. 5'51/2"; dark and little pockpitted compl., dark brown hair, blueish eyes, scar right shin, charged with stealing money and supposed to be at Parramatta with his brother. Absconded from J. Watson 10th May

Surname: Rooney
First Name: Hugh
Ship: Lady McNaughten 1835
Date: 16 June 1841
Place: Newcastle gaol
Source: Newcastle Gaol Entrance Book - State Archives NSW; Roll: 757
Details: Sent to Newcastle gaol from Campbell town, charged with absconding. Sent to the Bench at Maitland to be dealt with.

Surname: Rooney
First Name: Hugh
Ship: Lady McNaughten 1835.....
Date: 7 December 1836
Place: Newcastle gaol
Source: Newcastle Gaol Entrance Book. State Archives NSW; Roll: 136
Details: Labourer from Co. Down. Admitted to Newcastle gaol from Maitland under sentence of 14 days solitary confinement. Discharged to his master 22 December 1836

Surname: Rooney
First Name: Hugh
Ship: Lady McNaughten 1835.....
Date: 19 May 1837
Place: Newcastle gaol
Source: Newcastle Gaol Entrance Book. State Archives NSW. Roll 136
Details: Native place Downpatrick. Admitted to Newcastle gaol from Sydney. Sent to the Bench at Newcastle to be dealt with for absconding

Surname: Rooney
First Name: Hugh
Ship: Lady McNaughten 1835......
Date: 1836 20 January
Place: Maitland
Source: GG 1836
Details: Apprehended aftre absconding from B. Hudson

Surname: Rooney
First Name: Hugh
Ship: Lady McNaughten 1835......
Date: 1841 28 May
Place: Maitland
Source: GG
Details: Apprehended after absconding from John Watson

Surname: Rooney
First Name: Hugh
Ship: Lady McNaughten 1835......
Date: 9 January 1843
Place: Newcastle
Source: Gaol Description and Entrance Books, 1818-1930; Item: 2/2020; Roll: 757
Details: Hugh Rooney, John McCormick, Owen Gaynor, John Perkins and Michael Mannion all from Maitland admitted to Newcastle gaol for being out of irons. Sent to Hyde Park Barracks

Surname: Rooney (Roney)
First Name: Hugh
Ship: Lady McNaughten 1835......
Date: 1837
Place: Maitland
Source: GRC
Details: Aged 30. Assigned to John Watson

Surname: Rourke
First Name: Richard
Ship: Lady McNaughten 1835
Date: 1837
Place: Invermein
Source: GRC
Details: Age 19. Assigned to Archibald Bell junior

Surname: Shaw
First Name: Robert
Ship: Lady McNaughten 1835
Date: 19 February 1840
Place: Muswellbrook Police Office
Source: Criminal Court Records. Muswellbrook Court of Petty Sessions, Letter Books, 1838-1851. Ancestry
Details: Application for Ticket of Leave for Thomas Larney Robert Shaw, Edward Perry and William Carey received from the Commissioner of Crown Lands at New England forwarded to the Principal Supt. of Convicts by E.D.Day

Surname: Shaw (Dowd)
First Name: Robert
Ship: Lady McNaughten 1835
Date: 1840 5 August
Place: Scone
Source: GG
Details: Granted Ticket of Leave

Surname: Shaw (Dowd)
First Name: Robert (John?)
Ship: Lady McNaughten 1835
Date: 19 February 1840
Place: Muswellbrook
Source: Criminal Court Records. Muswellbrook Court of Petty Sessions, Letter Books, 1838-1851. Ancestry
Details: Correspondence re the Ticket of Leave issued to Dowd

Surname: Smith
First Name: Andrew
Ship: Lady McNaughten 1835
Date: 1845 29 March
Place: Dungog
Source: MM
Details: Obtained Ticket of Leave

Surname: Smith
First Name: Andrew
Ship: Lady McNaughten 1835
Date: 1837
Place: Invermein
Source: GRC
Details: Assigned to D. Bell

Surname: Smith
First Name: Andrew
Ship: Lady McNaughten 1835......
Date: 21 May 1842
Place: Newcastle gaol
Source: State Archives NSW; Gaol Entrance Book, Item: 2/2020; Roll: 757 (Ancestry)
Details: Admitted to Newcastle gaol from Dungog on a charge of robbery. Sent for trial

Surname: Smith
First Name: John
Ship: Lady McNaughten 1835
Date: 1840 16 September
Place: Paterson Hospital
Source: CDR
Details: Deceased

Surname: Staunton
First Name: William
Ship: Lady McNaughten 1835 (came free)
Date: 16 July 1850
Place: Newcastle gaol
Source: New South Wales, Australia, Gaol Description and Entrance Books, 1818-1930
Details: William Staunton, bootmaker from Cork. Admitted to Newcastle gaol from Maitland. Sentenced to 3 days solitary confinement for refusing to work as an apprentice

Surname: Taffe
First Name: John
Ship: Lady McNaughten 1835
Date: 1839 18 December
Place: Muswellbrook
Source: GG
Details: Granted Ticket of Leave

Surname: Tagherty (Taggerty)
First Name: William
Ship: Lady McNaughten 1835....
Date: 6 November 1839
Place: Newcastle gaol
Source: Newcastle Gaol Entrance Book. State Archives NSW. Roll 136
Details: Waiter from Kings Co. Admitted to Newcastle gaol. Sentenced to 12 months in an iron gang

Surname: Tagherty (Tigherty) (Taggerty)
First Name: William
Ship: Lady McNaughten 1835
Date: 9 April 1844
Place: Newcastle gaol
Source: State Archives NSW; Gaol Entrance Book, Item: 2/2020; Roll: 757 (Ancestry)
Details: Admitted to Newcastle gaol from Maitland on a charge of larceny. Sent for trial