Search Result
Surname: Wright
First Name: James
Ship: Camden 1831
Date: 1831
Place: -
Source: Convict Indents. State Archives NSW; Series: NRS 12188; Item: [4/4016]; Microfiche: 679
Details: James Wright age 28. Weaver, bleacher and dyer from Salford. Tried at Manchester 25 October 1830. Sentenced to 14 years transportation for stealing dying bags. Assigned to Edward Shipley at Sutton Forest on arrival
Surname: Wright
First Name: James
Ship: Camden 1831
Date: 1837
Place: Peel River
Source: GRC
Details: Age 30. Assigned to Francis Little
Surname: Wright
First Name: William
Ship: Camden 1831
Date: 1837
Place: Paterson
Source: GRC
Details: Age 29. Assigned to J. McDonald
Surname: Wright
First Name: William
Ship: Camden 1831
Date: 1831
Place: -
Source: Convict Indents. State Archives NSW; Series: NRS 12188; Item: [4/4016]; Microfiche: 679
Details: William Wright age 28. Carter from Glasgow. Tried at Glasgow 8 September 1830. Sentenced to 7 years transportation for passing forged notes. Assigned to Edward Fegan in Sydney on arrival
Surname: Yates
First Name: Robert
Ship: Camden 1831
Date: 1842 26 March
Place: Maitland
Source: HRG
Details: Obtained T of L for Maitland 1842
Surname: Yates
First Name: Robert
Ship: Camden 1831
Date: 1838 24 January
Place: Harpur's Hill (Harper's Hill)
Source: GG
Details: Pipemaker age 27 from Essex. 4ft 9 in, ruddy and slightly freckled complexion, light brown hair, hazel eyes, lame of left leg, thigh broken, slight perpendicular scar left cheek, thick lips, Absconded from the Stockade at Harpur's Hill 13 January
Surname: Yates
First Name: Robert
Ship: Camden 1831
Date: 1835 23 May
Place: Newcastle gaol
Source: NGE
Details: Labourer from Colchester. Admitted to Newcastle gaol 23 May from Patrick Plains under sentence of 14 days in the cells. Sent to the Watch house and to be returned to his gang 6 June
Surname: Yates
First Name: Robert
Ship: Camden 1831
Date: 1831
Place: -
Source: Convict Indents.
Details: Robert Yates age 20. Pipe maker from Essex. Tried at Chelmsford 26 July 1830. Sentenced to transportation for life for house breaking. Unfit for assignment. Description - Lame of left leg, thigh broken, scar on left cheek, thick lips
Surname: Yates
First Name: Robert
Ship: Camden 1831
Date: 1849 17 March
Place: -
Source: MM
Details: Granted Conditional Pardon dated 20 December 1848. Pardon available everywhere save in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland
Surname: Yates
First Name: Robert
Ship: Camden 1831
Date: 1837
Place: Patrick Plains
Source: GRC
Details: Age 23. Assigned to government service at Patrick Plains
Surname: Yates
First Name: Robert
Ship: Camden 1831
Date: 6 March 1833
Place: Invermein
Source: Invermein Court of Petty Sessions. Deposition Books 1833 -1834 (Ancestry)
Details: Daniel Welsh per ship Hercules, assigned to Francis Little; Robert Yates per Camden assigned to Dr. William Bell Carlyle....Doctor Little states that on Thursday morning last I was informed that the peach orchard had been robbed and on going into it I found foot tracks round the tree one of which tracks I traced over the fence and huts at a short distance from the garden. It was joined by a second the track I followed up to the hut where the prisoners live I searched the hut but found nothing in it and on the road when the other track terminated I found two tracks in two opposite directions leading down towards the garden, one of the mens feet appeared larger than the other and one had hob nails and the other not. Yates shoe filled exactly matched the one with the hob nails and the heels of Welsh shoe fitted into a clod of clay that had been kicked off between the garden and the hut he had. The prisoners lived at a sheep station about two miles off and there are but three people including the prisoners residing there.. Jones the overseer had been down. I noticed his track which was quite different. There had been rain during the night and the tracks were plain. Robert Challin, ticket of leave holder states that on Wednesday last the prisoners were in the hut when he went to bed and they were there when he got up. The prisoners deny the charge. The Bench find the prisoners guilty under the strong circumstantial evidence and sentence them to receive twenty five lashes each.
Surname: Yates
First Name: Robert
Ship: Camden 1831
Date: 6 March 1833
Place: Invermein
Source: Invermein Court of Petty Sessions. Deposition Books 1833 -1834 (Ancestry)
Details: Robert Yates per Camden, assigned to Dr. William Bell Carlyle, charged with neglect of duty and disobedience. John Jones, ticket of leave, overseer to Francis Little states that the prisoner came to him last Monday week stating that the watch man was ill about nine oclock in the morning. I went to the mens huts about 1/2 past 11 and found the prisoner putting out wheat. He had been washing. I ordered him and his sheep and prisoner stated he would not go until I found him a man to wash his wheat. I told him I would take him to the Bench. He said I could not do any more to him than had been done before that I might take him then. The prisoner makes no defence but admits the charge. The Bench find the prisoner guilty and sentence him to receive twenty five lashes.