Search Result
Surname: Wixstead
First Name: Corporal John
Ship: Alexander 1788
Date: 1788
Place: -
Source: -
Details: Corporal John Winstead - Marine on board the First Fleet vessel Alexander in 1788.
Surname: Wixtead (Wicksted) (Wixted) (Wixstead)
First Name: Corporal John
Ship: -
Date: 1789 2 March
Place: Port Jackson
Source: Court of Criminal Jurisdiction, Minutes of Proceedings, SR NSW 1147A (Decisions of the Superior Courts of NSW
Details: Corporal of Marines. Witness at the trial of James Plowman
Surname: Wixtead (Wixstead)
First Name: Corporal John
Ship: -
Date: 1801 July
Place: -
Source: HR NSW. Vol. IV. Hunter and King. 1800, 1801, 1802. Ed by F. M. Bladen. pp. 428 - 429
Details: Sent by Gov. King with 5 privates to form post at the entrance to Hunter River
Surname: Wixtead (Wixstead)
First Name: Corporal John
Ship: Alexander 1788
Date: 1789
Place: -
Source: Moore, John, The First Fleet Marines 1789 - 1792. University of Queensland Press, 1987. p 159
Details: Extract from 'The First Fleet Marines' by John Moore.....The most common offence amongst marines was stealing, though the first instance recorded did not occur till 2 March 1789 when Corp. James Plowman was charged with stealing a short from Private Edward Odgers. Convicts Amelia Levy and Elizabeth Fowles gave evidence that they had been offered a shirt to spend the night with Plowman and Corporal John Wixstead. Wixstead rejected the accusation, but even so was reduced in rank and Private William Goodall was promoted corporal in his stead.
Surname: Wixtead (Wixstead)
First Name: John
Ship: -
Date: 6 April 1798
Place: -
Source: Colonial Secretary's Papers. NRS 898 Special bundles. Item 9/2731 page 98
Details: On List of grants and leases of land registered in the Colonial Secretarys Office 260 acres on the banks of the George's river in the district of Banks Town
Surname: Wixtead (Wixstead) (Wextead)
First Name: Corporal John
Ship: -
Date: 1801 November
Place: Coal River
Source: HR NSW, Mr. M. Mason to Governor King (King Papers), vol. IV, p. 627
Details: On duty at the Coal River. The woman he brought with given permission to stay
Surname: Wixtead (Wixstead) (Winstead)
First Name: Corporal John
Ship: Alexander 1788
Date: 1788
Place: -
Source: -
Details: 1st Royal Marines - Corporal John Winstead (also Wixtead).
Surname: Wixtead (Wixted) (Wextead) (Wixstead)
First Name: John
Ship: -
Date: 1809 5 March
Place: Newcastle
Source: SG
Details: John Wixted on the list of persons Granted approval to hold a License at Newcastle