Search Result
Surname: Waddy
First Name: Colonel Richard
Ship: Himalaya 1869
Date: March 1869
Place: -
Source: John Lee and Co Almanac for 1885, West Maitland, National Library Australia
Details: The last of the red coats, or regular soldiers of Old England, left our shores in March per s. s. Himalaya. They formed a portion of the 50th (Queens Own) Regiment and were under the command of Colonel (afterwards General) Sir Richard Waddy K. C. B. The latter was a splended specimen of a true gentlemanly, brave English officer; and prior to his death in 1881 no honour or mark of distinction that his Sovereign could give him was withheld. He was father of Percy Waddy, Esq., of West Maitland and Richard Waddy Esq., of Morpeth
Surname: Waddy
First Name: Lieutenant Richard
Ship: Hive 1834
Date: 1835 11 December
Place: Maitland
Source: Australian
Details: Of 50 Regiment. Said to be the successor of Lieut. Steele of the 17th Regiment in the Mounted Police at Maitland
Surname: Waddy
First Name: Richard
Ship: -
Date: 20 January 1840
Place: Liverpool
Source: Asiatic Journal
Details: Marriage of Richard Waddy Esq., 50th regiment to Ann Elizabeth, eldest daughter of the late William Cordeaux Esq., of Leppington