Free Settler or Felon
Convict and Colonial History

Search Result

Surname: Vallack
First Name: C.S
Ship: -
Date: 1848 8 July
Place: Sydney
Source: MM
Details: Candidate to represent County of Northumberland

Surname: Vallack
First Name: C.S
Ship: -
Date: 1848 22 July
Place: Northumberland County
Source: MM
Details: Election profile

Surname: Vallack
First Name: C.S
Ship: -
Date: 1848 23 August
Place: Sydney
Source: MM
Details: Thanking electors who voted for him in the recent elections

Surname: Vallack
First Name: C.S
Ship: -
Date: 1850 16 March
Place: Murrurundi
Source: MM
Details: Dissolution of partnership between Thomas Loxton and J.B. Rundle, storekeepers of Murrurundi. Witness C.S. Vallack