Search Result
Surname: Swift
First Name: Quinten
Ship: -
Date: 1846 14 November
Place: -
Source: MM
Details: Committee member petitioning to deny reintroduction of transportation
Surname: Swift
First Name: Quinten
Ship: -
Date: 1847 13 October
Place: Morpeth
Source: MM
Details: Gold chain stolen by Edward Magennis
Surname: Swift
First Name: Quinten
Ship: -
Date: 1848 15 January
Place: Peel's River
Source: MM
Details: Offering reward for mare lost near Tamworth
Surname: Swift
First Name: Quinten
Ship: -
Date: 1851 4 June
Place: Maitland
Source: MM
Details: Offering reward to any person who finds a remunerative gold field in any locality beneficial to the town of Maitland
Surname: Swift
First Name: Quinten
Ship: -
Date: 1851 16 August
Place: -
Source: MM
Details: Campaigning for George Robert Nichols to represent the Northumberland Boroughs in the Legislative Council
Surname: Swift
First Name: Quinten
Ship: -
Date: 1852 2 June
Place: Collected at Morpeth
Source: MM
Details: Subscribed to Testimonial for E.C. Close
Surname: Swift
First Name: Quinten
Ship: -
Date: 1852 16 October
Place: Morpeth
Source: MM
Details: Henry Curran fined 80s or 4mths in goal for a violent unprovoked assault on 5 yr old Quinten Swift. Had pulled the boy over a fence by his hair
Surname: Swift
First Name: Quinten
Ship: -
Date: 1853 19 February
Place: Morpeth
Source: MM
Details: Notice thanking those who assisted during the recent fire at Morpeth
Surname: Swift
First Name: Quinten
Ship: -
Date: 1839 29 May
Place: Muswellbrook
Source: GG
Details: George Peacock per 'Mangles' absconded from service
Surname: Swift
First Name: Quinten
Ship: -
Date: 1857 23 June
Place: Morpeth
Source: MM
Details: Death of Anne Cox, wife of James, at the house of Quinten Swift of Morpeth
Surname: Swift
First Name: Quinten
Ship: -
Date: 1841 10 July
Place: Maitland
Source: Australian Marriages - FamilySearch Historical Records
Details: Marriage of Quinten Swift and Mary Perkins
Surname: Swift
First Name: Quinten and Mary
Ship: -
Date: 28 September 1845
Place: Abode Morpeth
Source: Maitland Baptism Register p. 132
Details: Bernard Richard John Swift, son of Quinton and Mary Swift, born 15 August 1845. Baptised 28 September 1845. Occupation of Quinten Swift - late inn keeper
Surname: Swift
First Name: Quinten and Mary
Ship: -
Date: 21 October 1847
Place: Abode Morpeth
Source: Maitland Baptism Register p 177
Details: Quinten James Burrowes Swift, son of Quinten and Mary Swift, born 18 Sptember 1847. Baptised 21 October 1847. Occupation of Quinten Swift - formerly an innkeeper
Surname: Swift
First Name: Quinten James Burrowes
Ship: -
Date: 1847 18 September
Place: Maitland
Source: Australian Births and Baptisms - Family Search Historical Records
Details: Birth of Quinten James Burrowes Swift, son of Quinten and Mary Swift
Surname: Swift
First Name: Quinten James Burrowes
Ship: -
Date: 21 October 1847
Place: Abode Morpeth
Source: Maitland Baptism Register 177
Details: Quinten James Burrowes Swift, son of Quinten and Mary Swift, born 18 Sptember 1847. Baptised 21 October 1847. Occupation of Quinten Swift - formerly an innkeeper
Surname: Swift
First Name: Quinten V
Ship: -
Date: 1853 7 November
Place: Morpeth
Source: SMH
Details: Horace John Valentine Swift, youngest son of Quinten V. Swift died on 2nd November aged 1 year and 4 months
Surname: Swift
First Name: Quinten Valentine
Ship: -
Date: 1852 24 July
Place: Morpeth
Source: MM
Details: Joseph Carlisle committed for trial for stealing bacon belonging to Swift
Surname: Swift
First Name: Quinten Valentine
Ship: -
Date: 1852 31 July
Place: Maitland Quarter Sessions
Source: MM
Details: Joseph Carlisle found not guilty of stealing bacon belonging to Swift
Surname: Swift
First Name: Quinten Valentine
Ship: -
Date: 1852 31 July
Place: Morpeth
Source: MM
Details: Brother in law to Ann Cornelious
Surname: Swift
First Name: Quinten Valentine
Ship: -
Date: 1862 6 March
Place: Morpeth
Source: MM
Details: Committed for trial for committing libel against Lucy Chambers Barber