Search Result
Surname: Spellman (Spelman)
First Name: William
Ship: Ann and Amelia 1825
Date: 1850 31 January
Place: -
Source: MM
Details: Granted Conditional Pardon
Surname: Spellman (Spelman)
First Name: William
Ship: Ann and Amelia 1825
Date: 3 January 1825
Place: Sydney
Source: Convict Indents. State Archives NSW; Series: NRS 12188; Item: [4/4009A]; Microfiche: 655
Details: Ratcatcher from Dublin. Age 28. Tried November 1823 and sentenced to transportation for life. Comments: pretty well behaved. Assigned to the Minto district on arrival
Surname: Spellman (Spelman)
First Name: William
Ship: Ann and Amelia 1825
Date: July 1838
Place: Windsor
Source: Tickets of Leave. State Records NSW
Details: Granted Ticket of leave for the district of Windsor
Surname: Spellman (Spelman)
First Name: William
Ship: Ann and Amelia 1825
Date: 1825
Place: Argyle
Source: Convict Muster 1825 (Ancestry)
Details: Employed by Mr. Oxley
Surname: Spelman
First Name: William
Ship: -
Date: 20 December 1826
Place: Newcastle
Source: NSW Courts Magistrates, Newcastle Police Court: 1823-1825, 1826-1827 (Ancestry)
Details: William Spelman, in government service charged with absenting himself from work. James Gallaghar, overseer of the wharf gang states - Yesterday I had my gang at work at the wharf, and missing one of them, I looked round and ascertained that it was Spelman. I looked under the wharf and saw him seated. He had been absent altogether better than an hour. The prisoner in his defence states - I went under the wharf to ease myself and on my return the overseer called me all manner of names. No person can work under him for his tyranny. Sentenced to 25 lashes
Surname: Spelman (Spellman)
First Name: William
Ship: -
Date: 17 March 1826
Place: Newcastle
Source: NSW Courts Magistrates, Newcastle Police Court: 1823-1825, 1826-1827 (Ancestry)
Details: William Spelman, in government service, charged with uttering a deliberate falsehood in answering a question from the court. Proved on the testimony of three persons on oath. See proceedings in reference to Joseph Salter 23 March 1826. William Spelman sentenced to 30 lashes
Surname: Spelman (Spellman)
First Name: William
Ship: Ann and Amelia 1825
Date: 1828
Place: Mountjoye, Hunter river
Source: 1828 Census
Details: Labourer aged 35. Assigned to Ferdinand Anley