Search Result
Surname: Smith
First Name: Lydea (Lydia)
Ship: Louisa 1827
Date: 1832 18 July
Place: Iron Bark Hill, Newcastle
Source: 1832 GG
Details: House servant assigned to John Laurio Platt
Surname: Smith
First Name: Lydia
Ship: Louisa 1827
Date: December 1827
Place: -
Source: AO NSW Convict Indent Fiche No. 668
Details: Age 34. Reads and writes. Married. Hat trimmer and servant from Bristol. Tried in Bristol 24 April 1827 and sentenced to 7 years transportation for pledging a watch. Two prior convictions. Little finger of right hand crooked - very light eye brows. Fair complexion, light brown hair, hazel grey eyes. Assigned to T. Harvey at Pitt St. Sydney on arrival