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Surname: Rickerby
First Name: Robert
Ship: -
Date: 1845 15 March
Place: Maitland
Source: MM
Details: Fellmonger. Partnership with F. Mears Dissolved

Surname: Rickerby
First Name: Robert
Ship: -
Date: 1846 17 October
Place: West Maitland
Source: MM
Details: Selling mahogany sideboard

Surname: Rickerby
First Name: Robert
Ship: -
Date: 1847 27 March
Place: Maitland
Source: MM
Details: Disappeared after visiting his father in law at Mulberry Creek.

Surname: Rickerby
First Name: Robert
Ship: -
Date: 1846 7 November
Place: High St. West Maitland
Source: MM
Details: Cash purchaser of wool and sheepskins. Resided at premises lately known as the Woolpack Inn (next to Mr. Owen's old stores)

Surname: Rickerby
First Name: Robert
Ship: -
Date: 1845 12 July
Place: West Maitland
Source: MM
Details: Commenced the manufacture of parchment

Surname: Rickerby
First Name: Robert
Ship: -
Date: 13 September 1854
Place: Mulberry Creek
Source: Maitland Mercury
Details: THE LATE ROBERT RICKERBY.—Our readers may recollect that Mr. Robert Rickerby, who was formerly a fellmonger in West Maitland, was lost in the bush from the Mount Vincent Estate, some seven years ago. On the 29th ultimo one of Mr. William Short s boys, residing at the head of Mulberring Creek, was in search of cattle in a gully running from the Broken Back, and came upon a man s skull, which has been identified at the magisterial inquiry held before Mr. Child as that of Rickerby - but nothing further was found. It appears that Rickerby had become of weak intellect, and wandered nearly three miles from Mount Vincent to the spot where the skull was found, and there starved. The bones are supposed to have been lost in the rubbish washed down from the mountain - nothing beyond the head being found, after great search.

Surname: Rickerby
First Name: Robert
Ship: -
Date: 16 January 1844
Place: West Maitland
Source: West Maitland Marriage Register 1844 - 1855. Living Histories
Details: Marriage of Thomas Foster of Patterson to Hannah Davies of West Maitland. Witnesses Robert Rickerby and Peter Hook of West Maitland. Chaplain Rev. William Stack

Surname: Rickerby
First Name: Robert
Ship: -
Date: 29 April 1845
Place: West Maitland
Source: West Maitland Marriage Register 1844 - 1855. Living Histories
Details: Marriage of Robert Rickerby to Caroline Chandler. Witnesses George Gray and James Beale both of West Maitland. Chaplain Rev. William Stack

Surname: Rickerby
First Name: Robert
Ship: -
Date: 10 June 1845
Place: West Maitland
Source: West Maitland Marriage Register 1844 - 1855. Living Histories
Details: Marriage of George Gray to Jane Rickerby. Witnesses James Beale and Robert Rickerby both of West Maitland. Chaplain Rev. William Stack