Search Result
Surname: Pennington
First Name: Joseph
Ship: -
Date: 1823
Place: -
Source: Historical Records of Newcastle
Details: Free selector of land in Newcastle/ Hunter Valley
Surname: Pennington
First Name: Joseph
Ship: -
Date: 1824 24 September
Place: Durham/ Northumberland
Source: CSI
Details: James Brady per Speke assigned servant
Surname: Pennington
First Name: Joseph
Ship: -
Date: 1823 12 May
Place: Hunter River
Source: CSI
Details: Servant Samuel Coleman per 'Morley' permitted to pass to Pennington's farm on first branch of the Hunter's River
Surname: Pennington
First Name: Joseph
Ship: -
Date: 1823 17 May
Place: Newcastle
Source: CSI
Details: Assigned servant Joseph Delandre permitted to pass with cattle to Pennington's farm
Surname: Pennington
First Name: Joseph
Ship: -
Date: 1823 12 May
Place: Hunter River
Source: CSI
Details: John Delany per 'Tyne' assigned servant
Surname: Pennington
First Name: Joseph
Ship: -
Date: 1823 17 May
Place: Hunter River
Source: CSI
Details: Richard Edwards per 'Grenada' assigned servant
Surname: Pennington
First Name: Joseph
Ship: -
Date: 1849 28 November
Place: -
Source: MM
Details: Julia, relict of the late William Mitchell and only daughter of the late Joseph Pennignton of Leigh Farm died at the residence fo Dr. Evans
Surname: Pennington
First Name: Joseph
Ship: -
Date: 1823 28 September
Place: Newcastle
Source: CSI
Details: John Hurst per 'Shipley' assigned servant
Surname: Pennington
First Name: Joseph
Ship: -
Date: 1838 12 September
Place: Newcastle
Source: GG
Details: Died Intestate. Allotment 70 in Newcastle sold by his only daughter Julia to Parry Long
Surname: Pennington
First Name: Joseph
Ship: -
Date: 1824 8 October
Place: County Northumberland & Durham
Source: CSI
Details: Henry Jackson per 'Fortune' assigned servant
Surname: Pennington
First Name: Joseph
Ship: -
Date: 1822
Place: Newcastle
Source: CSI
Details: Of Newcastle. On list of persons to whom convict mechanics have been assigned
Surname: Pennington
First Name: Joseph
Ship: -
Date: 1823
Place: -
Source: CSI
Details: Of Upper Branch of the Hawkesbury river. Permitted to pass with cattle and servants from Hawkesbury through Wallis Plains to his farm on the first branch of the Hunter River
Surname: Pennington
First Name: Joseph
Ship: -
Date: 1823
Place: -
Source: CSI
Details: Turning in to Govt. his bonded servant John Hurst due to his bad conduct
Surname: Pennington
First Name: Joseph
Ship: -
Date: 1824
Place: Newcastle
Source: CSI
Details: On return of Newcastle town allotments
Surname: Pennington
First Name: Joseph
Ship: -
Date: 1823
Place: -
Source: CSI
Details: From Hawkesbury. Servant John Rolston per 'Asia' permitted to pass with cattle to Pennington's farm on the first branch of the Hunter
Surname: Pennington
First Name: Joseph
Ship: -
Date: 1834 7 May
Place: Williams River
Source: GG 1834
Details: Claim for grant of land made by Simeon Lord of Macquarie Place Sydney to 1550 acres promised to Joseph Pennington known as Leigh Farm
Surname: Pennington
First Name: Joseph
Ship: -
Date: 1823 17 May
Place: Hawkesbury
Source: CSI
Details: Assigned servant Robert Scothern permitted to pass with cattle from the Upper Branch of the Hawkesbury through Wallis Plains to Pennington's farm on the first branch of the Hunters River
Surname: Pennington
First Name: Joseph
Ship: -
Date: 1823 14 April
Place: Newcastle
Source: Archives Office of NSW. Colonial Secretary: Misc records (4/4570D)pp1-88
Details: William Clarke per 'Minerva' assigned servant
Surname: Pennington
First Name: Joseph
Ship: -
Date: 1823 11 April
Place: Newcastle district
Source: Archives Office of NSW. Colonial Secretary: Misc records (4/4570D)pp1-88
Details: Samuel Dukes per 'Mangles' assigned servant
Surname: Pennington
First Name: Joseph
Ship: -
Date: 1823 14 April
Place: Newcastle district
Source: Archives Office of NSW. Colonial Secretary: Misc records (4/4570D)pp1-88
Details: Michael Hayes per 'Princess Royal' assigned servant