Search Result
Surname: Matthews
First Name: Marianna (Mary Anne)
Ship: Mariner 1825
Date: 1825
Place: -
Source: Convict Indents. State Archives NSW. Microfiche 656. (Ancestry)
Details: Native Place Co. Monaghan. Tried in Dublin 8 October 1824. Occupation house maid. Age 29. Quiet conduct on the voyage
Surname: Matthews
First Name: Mary Ann
Ship: Mariner 1825
Date: 31 July 1826
Place: Newcastle
Source: NSW Courts Magistrates, Newcastle Police Court: 1823-1825, 1826-1827 (Ancestry)
Details: Mary Ann Matthews in the service of Mr. Wickham charged with drunkenness and abusive language. Mr. John Francis Wickham, states - The prisoner is my government servant but I cannot keep her in order. She is constantly getting drunk and when in that state makes use of the most violent and abusive language to myself and wife. The prisoner states in her defence that she never made use of any abusive language to her mistress and that her master is continually abusing and ill-treating her. Mary Ann Matthews sentenced to 3rd class of Factory at Parramatta