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Surname: Maher
First Name: Chief Constable Patrick
Ship: -
Date: 13 Jun 1838
Place: Muswellbrook
Source: Title: Muswellbrook Court of Petty Sessions, Bench Books, 1838-1843.
Details: William Vallance, free by servitude, charged with assaulting a contable in the execution of his duty and rescuing a prisoner. Witnesses Constable Francis Skinner deposed - On Monday night last about ten oclock I was patrolling the town with the Chief Constable. We heard a considerable uproar in the house occupied by William Vallance. We proceeded to the house and shortly after Vallances wife came out in the street in front of the house. She was very drunk and disorderly. She was very abusive. The Chief Constable ordered me to take her in charge and put her in the watch house. I accordingly took her in charge and immediately after doing so her husband William Vallance rushed up to me and asked me what I was going to do with her. I told him I was going to take her to the watch house as I was ordered. He then said No, be I will be damned if you do. On saying this he pushed me violently away and seizing the woman in his arms he ran off with her into his house and shut the door in my face. The push was so violet as to send me clear away from the prisoner. I was unable to take her again. After shutting the door William Vallance said he would split the skull with an axe of the first man who entered.....Chief Constable Patrick Maher gave evidence and lockup up keeper Charles Halkin also gave evidence. William Vallance committed to take his trial at the Quarter Sessons. Magistrate Edward Denny Day
Surname: Maher
First Name: Chief Constable Patrick
Ship: -
Date: 21 June 1838
Place: Muswellbrook
Source: Title: Muswellbrook Court of Petty Sessions, Bench Books, 1838-1843.
Details: Enquiry into the cause of the death of Nicholas Connelly, free by servitude. William Learny, ticket of leave holder, sworn deposed - accompanied the deceased from his place on Peels River to assist him in driving some young horses belonging to Mr. Pringle. Yesterday morning we both breakfasted at Briggs Public House. We drank half a pint of brandy there and the deceased brought a bottle away with him of which he drank part twice or three times on the road. He was not sober when he came near his horse started off with him. He ran amongst the trees and when the deceased was again bringing him towards the road he fell from the horse. I think he fell on the back of his head. He never spoke a word afterwards. Surgeon John Goodwin sworn - I have examinedthe body of Nicholas Connelly and find a fracture on the left parietal bone. I think it was the cause of his death. Chief Constable Patrick Maher also examined. Magistrate Edward Denny Day stated - It appears from the foregoing statements that the deceased came by his death accidentally while in a state of intoxication. It also having been stated that the deceased was possessed of considerable property in stock at the time of his death the Registrar of the Supreme Court has been informed
Surname: Maher
First Name: Chief Constable Patrick
Ship: -
Date: 20 August 1838
Place: Muswellbrook
Source: Title: Muswellbrook Court of Petty Sessions, Bench Books, 1838-1843.
Details: Mary Ann Buck, free by servitude, charged with theft. Mr. Patrick Maher, Chief Constable deposed - I heard of a robbery having been committed on Saturday week. I sent a constable after the prisoner. The property stolen consisted of one pair of trousers, three shirts and one waistcoat. Robert Smith, ticket of leave holder deposed - I was asked by the prisoner to let her remain in my house for half an hour as she was sick. The following morning after she left my house I found some of my things had been stolen. She had left the township and I went in pursuit of her. I overtook her about five miles off on the road to Invermein. I took from her the bundle, the things I had lost. The woman has been since apprehended. The prisoners was committed for trial at the Quarter Sessions at Maitland
Surname: Maher
First Name: Patrick
Ship: -
Date: 1847 14 July
Place: Clarence River
Source: MM
Details: Unclaimed letter held in the month of June
Surname: Maher
First Name: Patrick
Ship: -
Date: 1838 11 April
Place: Muswellbrook
Source: GG
Details: Appointed Chief constable
Surname: Maher
First Name: Patrick
Ship: -
Date: November 1858
Place: Morpeth
Source: New South Wales, Australia, Assisted Immigrant Passenger Lists, 1828-1896
Details: Richard Maher, nephew of Patrick Maher of Morpeth arrived on the ship Mary Pleasants in 1858
Surname: O Meara (O Mara) alias Maher
First Name: Patrick
Ship: Tellicherry 1806
Date: 25 September 1823
Place: -
Source: Colonial Secretarys Papers. Copies of Letters Sent Outside the Colony
Details: Patrick O Meara alias Maher per Tellicherry, on list of Convicts removed from Newcastle to Port Macquarie per Brig Elizabeth Henrietta