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Surname: Ahern (Executed)
First Name: John
Ship: -
Date: 1845 2 August
Place: -
Source: MM
Details: To be executed for the murder of niece Mary Ann Clarke
Surname: Bagley (Executed)
First Name: George
Ship: -
Date: 1835 4 September
Place: Newcastle
Source: Australian
Details: To be executed on 9th September at Newcastle
Surname: Bowen (Executed)
First Name: William
Ship: -
Date: 21 March 1829
Place: Wallis Plains
Source: Sydney Gazette
Details: Peter Riley and William Bowen indicted for stealing in the dwelling house of Ellis Hall at Wallis Plains and putting a person there in bodily fear on 19th November 1828. Witnesses William Birnham (Burnham), Francis Collins, William Roberts, Lieut. Robertson of the Mounted Police
Surname: Bowen (Executed)
First Name: William
Ship: Prince of Orange 1821......
Date: -
Place: Sydney
Source: Gaol Description and Entrance Books, Sydney gaol
Details: William Bowen per 'Prince of Orange' found guilty of felony and sentenced to death. Executed
Surname: Bradley (Executed)
First Name: Michael
Ship: -
Date: 1841 8 April
Place: Maitland
Source: SH
Details: Sentenced to death for murder
Surname: Bryan (Executed)
First Name: Patrick
Ship: -
Date: 1848 25 October
Place: Newcastle
Source: MM
Details: Executed at Newcastle gaol
Surname: Bryan (Executed)
First Name: Patrick
Ship: -
Date: 3 October 1848
Place: Newcastle
Source: The State Records Authority of New South Wales; Kingswood, NSW; Sheriff: copies of letters sent 1841-50 4/6656; Roll: 1262
Details: Correspondence from A. W. Young, Sheriff to the Colonial Architect – The Execution of the culprit named in the margin (Patrick Bryan) having been fixed to take place at Newcastle Friday 20th instant., I have the honor to request you will give to necessary directions for the erection of the Drop before that day
Surname: Burrell (Executed)
First Name: Benjamin
Ship: Norfolk 1825
Date: buried April 1830
Place: Hunter River
Source: CDR
Details: Executed for burglary aged 30
Surname: Burrell (Executed)
First Name: John
Ship: -
Date: 1830 6 May
Place: -
Source: SG
Details: Sentence of death passed on Burrell for robbery in the dwelling house of Samuel Adair on 22 November 1829
Surname: Burrell (Executed)
First Name: John
Ship: Norfolk 1825
Date: buried April 1830
Place: Hunter River
Source: CDR
Details: Executed for burglary aged 30
Surname: Cassidy (Executed)
First Name: Patrick
Ship: -
Date: 1835 3 August
Place: Maitland
Source: R v Cassidy & Bagley
Details: Found guilty and sentenced to death. Executed on 4.9.1835
Surname: Charley (Indigenous) (Executed)
First Name: -
Ship: -
Date: 4 September 1835
Place: Dungog
Source: The Australian
Details: Aboriginal forwarded by steam packet. To be executed at Dungog
Surname: Cohillane (Mickey Bad English) (Executed)
First Name: Michael
Ship: -
Date: 1851 4 October
Place: Maitland
Source: MM
Details: Executed at Maitland gaol in front of 300 - 400 people.Attended by Rev. Dean Lynch
Surname: Coleman (Executed)
First Name: Joseph
Ship: Marquis of Huntley 1830
Date: 1833 21 March
Place: Patterson's Plains
Source: SH
Details: Executed at Patterson's Plains for the attempted murder of his master Mr. Cory
Surname: Coogan (Executed)
First Name: Michael
Ship: Atlas 1819
Date: 19 June 1827
Place: Sydney
Source: The Monitor
Details: EXECUTION.---On the morning that the Pirates who mutinied on their way to Norfolk Island were to have been tried, it will be recollected, that five of them effected their escape from on board the Phoenix Hulk, and for a long while eluded the vigilance of the Police. During this time they pursued a steady course of crime, till at length they fell one by one into the hands of Justice. Webb, the first taken, and first tried, suffered a few weeks since. McGuiness died in the gaol, of the wounds received at his capture; and yesterday morning closed the worldly career of the remaining three, Quinn, Geary, and Lynch. Their conviction must be fresh in the public mind. Michael Coogan was included in the fatal mandate received on Wednesday last. He was, we are informed, by birth an American, of a very respectable family, had had an excellent education, and beneath a mild and un- assuming demeanour, he carried a bold and daring spirit. The crime for which he suffered, appears to have been an old propensity, for we learn, that holding a creditable situation at the Cape of Good Hope, he forged to an extensive amount, and was in consequence banished to an island adjacent, where, with some more, he seized a vessel; but after getting under weigh, went ashore, was taken, and sent to this colony. At Port Macquarie, where he was employed as Clerk to the Commandant, he also committed himself. On his return to Sydney, he was taken into the Master-Attendant s Office, from which he was dismissed on very strong suspicion of being concerned in another forgery upon the Bank of New South Wales. He next figured as one of the leaders in the attempted piratical seizure of The Liberty, about three months ago, and being taken, was committed for trial. In the interval, circumstances occurred which led to a knowledge of the fact, that he was the principle in the forgery on the Bank of Australia; for this he was tried, and on the evidence of accomplices, convicted. Geary and Lynch were attended by the Rev Mr. Power, and Quin by the Rev. Mr. Therry. Coogan was under the spiritual charge of the Rev. Mr. Cowper. At a few minutes before ten, the procession moved from the cells to the place of execution, where they were employed in devotion for a full hour. Coogan kneeled at the head of his coffin; at his own request his arms were unpinioned; he prayed fervently; at length with a quick firm step, he ascended the ladder, and then addressed a few words to the assembled prisoners in an under tone, acknowledging the justness of his sentence. His whole demeanour was very resigned. Geary, during the interval between his devotional exercises, appeared perfectly cheerful; he spoke a few words, confessing his guilt but denying that the suspicion which had been attached to him, of setting fire to Dr. Elyard s premises at Stone Quarry Creek, was correct. Lynch was alike stout-hearted; he read a paper, in which he alluded to the affair on board The Wellington; cautioned his hearers against evil courses; and adverted to the observations made by himself at the bar, when receiving sentence. He concluded by soliciting the prayers of the multitude for himself and comrades, and professing faith in Christ, invoked the mercy of God. Quinn remained composed while the minister was with him, but left to himself, he relapsed into apparent mental agony, evinced by his voice supplicating divine mercy with a fervency almost convulsive; Having divested themselves of their shoes, at eleven o clock the drop fell, and they were launched into eternity. The sufferings of Coogan were greatly protracted by a scanty length of rope, not giving him a sufficient fall. Geary had a fall of about seven feet, and was out of pain in an instant the others also died easy. The relatives of Quin, between whom and himself the parting was affecting, received his corpse for interment, as also did the friends of the other three unfortunate men.
Surname: Cuffee (Coffee) (Cuffe) (Executed)
First Name: Patrick
Ship: -
Date: 1838 27 February
Place: -
Source: The Australian
Details: Sentence of death passed for stealing in a dwelling house and putting the inmate in fear
Surname: Ducey (Executed)
First Name: Patrick
Ship: -
Date: 1817 8 November
Place: Sydney
Source: SG
Details: Thomas McGiff, Bartholomew Roach, Patrick Ducey and Thomas Brown executed pursuant to their sentence at the late Criminal Sessions
Surname: Fitzpatrick (Executed)
First Name: Cornelius
Ship: -
Date: 1824 1 July
Place: Newcastle
Source: SG
Details: Execution of Fitzpatrick for the murder of John Bentley
Surname: Fitzpatrick (Executed)
First Name: James
Ship: -
Date: 1845 18 October
Place: Newcastle
Source: MM
Details: Hanged on 17.10.45 at Newcastle gaol
Surname: Forrester (Executed)
First Name: Thomas (Long Tom)
Ship: -
Date: 1843 29 April
Place: Newcastle
Source: MM
Details: Went to place of execution accompanied by Mr. Innes of Maitland and Mr. Lightbody of Newcastle, two Weslyan ministers