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Convict and Colonial History

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Surname: Ecclestone (Egglestone)
First Name: Isaac
Ship: Isabella 1832
Date: 1832 20 June
Place: Port Stephens
Source: 1832 GG
Details: Miner assigned to A.A. Co

Surname: Ecclestone (Egglestone)
First Name: Isaac
Ship: Isabella 1832
Date: 1840 10 June
Place: Newcastle
Source: GG
Details: Granted Ticket of Leave

Surname: Ecclestone (Egglestone)
First Name: Isaac
Ship: Isabella 1832
Date: 4 November 1845
Place: Newcastle
Source: Newcastle Court of Petty Sessions Letter Book
Details: Letter 45/134. Correspondence re Isaac Ecclestone who had been under the care of a medical attendant for some time for the treatment of a chronic disease. It was recommended by Dr. Fullerton that Ecclestone should frequently visit Sydney for the purpose of obtaining advice and medicine for his complaint as well as a change of air. Approved by the Magistrate

Surname: Ecclestone (Egglestone)
First Name: Isaac
Ship: Isabella 1832
Date: 2 February 1892
Place: Newcastle and Maitland
Source: Newcastle Morning Herald
Details: Correspondence about Isaac Ecclestone and how he came to be transported for breaking into the house of Thomas Jewitt at Hedworth Durham. His accomplices who were also transported on the Isabella were John Stewart, John Barker, Bartholomew Stephenson, Thomas Armstrong, John Smith and David Johnstone. All of the men were assigned to the A.A. Company at Newcastle

Surname: Eccliston (Ecclestone) (Egglestone)
First Name: Isaac
Ship: Isabella 1832
Date: 1832
Place: -
Source: Convict Indents. State Archives NSW; Series: NRS 12188; Item: [4/4016]; Microfiche: 681
Details: Miner agd 24. Tried at Durham 23 July 1831. Sentenced to transportation for life for housebreaking. No prior convictions

Surname: Eggleson (Ecclestone) (Egglestone)
First Name: Isaac
Ship: -
Date: 20 November 1852
Place: Newcastle
Source: MM
Details: Notice re Bank Note found in Newcastle

Surname: Eggleson (Ecclestone, Egglestone)
First Name: Isaac
Ship: -
Date: 1854 13 December
Place: Newcastle
Source: MM
Details: Signed address to the Postmaster General, Sydney thanking him for allowing Campbell Pegus to resign from his position as Postmaster in Newcastle

Surname: Eggleson Ecclestone, Egglestone)
First Name: Isaac
Ship: -
Date: 26 April 1870
Place: Plattsburg
Source: SMH
Details: Grocer. On list of owners of Estates surrendered or sequestrated during the quarter ending 31st March 1870

Surname: Eggleson Ecclestone, Egglestone)
First Name: Isaac
Ship: -
Date: 1855
Place: Freehold. Address - near Honeysuckle Point
Source: NMH
Details: On a list of electors in the police district of Newcastle who had the right to vote for elections in the county of Northumberland in 1855. Printed in the Newcastle Morning Herald 11 October 1911

Surname: Eggleston (Eggleson, Ecclestone, Egglestone)
First Name: Constable Isaac
Ship: -
Date: 1837 17 November
Place: Newcastle
Source: Newcastle Bench Books. AONSW Reel 2722
Details: Assigned to the A.A. company as a constable. Thomas Bewick sentenced to 50 lashes after Eggleston gave evidence that Bewick had left the Pit without completing his work

Surname: Eggleston (Eggleson, Ecclestone, Egglestone)
First Name: Isaac
Ship: -
Date: 30 September 1848
Place: Hunter St. Newcastle
Source: MM
Details: General Storekeeper to sell the lease of stores and stock in trade prior to departure for New Zealand

Surname: Eggleston (Egglison) (Egglison) (Ecclestone) (Egglestone)
First Name: Isaac
Ship: -
Date: 24 May 1851
Place: Newcastle
Source: MM
Details: Offering reward for return of horse strayed from Newcastle. Shopkeeper