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Surname: Curnow (obit)
First Name: Rev. William
Ship: -
Date: 21 October 1903
Place: -
Source: The Sydney Mail
Details: William Curnow, the eldest son of James Curnow, was born at St. Ives, Cornwall, in 1832, and was educated with a view to entering the ministry of the Wesleyan Methodist Church. When he was 21 years of age he became a minister, and a few months later the parent body in England received a requisition from the adherents in Australia for men to fill their pulpits. Amongst those chosen in response was the Rev William Curnow, and the party arrived in New South Wales in May, 1854. Mr. Curnow was immediately sent to Newcastle, but there he only stayed a few months, being appointed to to Maitland. He came nearer to the scene of his future influence when he was stationed at Parramatta, and it was during the course of his ministry there that he married the lady who is now his widow. Mrs. Curnow is a daughter of Mr. Von Mangerhausen Weiss, a business man. That was in 1858, and after a year spent in Bowenfels he was transferred to the Brisbane and Ipswich circuit in Queensland, which had in 1859 been separated from the mother colony. Sydney, how ever, called him back in 1862, and for the next three years Mr. Curnow filled the pulpit of the York-street Church — the principal place of worship of the Sydney Wesleyans. From there to Bourke-street was not a far step, and his thoughtful addresses to his co-religionists on matters of religion, and to his fellow-citizens generally on matters of social interest, were an education factor to many. In 1868 he went to Goulburn, the last circuit he administered in the country districts of New South Wales. Returning to York-street in 1871, he remained here until March, 1874, when he left for a trip to England. On his return he spent two years in the Forest Lodge circuit. Soon after his retirement from the editorial chair Mr. Curnow was summoned to the scene of his 30 years of labour to hear a few kindly expressions from those who had been his fellow-toilers. They pressed upon him for acceptance a humble souvenir of their goodwill, and he in return gave them many interesting reminiscences. Last Thursday found many of those who heard him taking part in that solemn scene at Rookwood among leading men of this city. He had many friends.