Search Result
Surname: Crabert (Crebert)
First Name: Peter
Ship: -
Date: 1856 26 April
Place: Waratah, Newcastle
Source: MM
Details: Notice - Peter Crebert attempting to find the whereabouts of Antony and Michael Crebert, who were supposed to be in the New England district
Surname: Crebert
First Name: Peter
Ship: -
Date: 1856 26 January
Place: Newcastle
Source: MM
Details: On list of Electors of the Newcastle district appointed to the committee to secure the return of W.R. Piddington as Representative
Surname: Crebert
First Name: Peter
Ship: -
Date: 1874 5 May
Place: Waratah
Source: MM
Details: Robert Ingall, Peter Crebert, Richard Bell, William McNulty, Joseph Williams and Peter Norgard appointed to form the Public School Board at Waratah
Surname: Crebert
First Name: Peter
Ship: -
Date: 1875 2 September
Place: Newcastle
Source: MM
Details: From Germany. Arrived with his father and both had extensive experience on the manufacture of wine. Commenced wine making at 'The Folly' in 1860. Description of the Crebert vineyard
Surname: Crebert
First Name: Peter
Ship: -
Date: 1855
Place: Freehold. Address The Folly
Source: NMH
Details: On a list of electors in the police district of Newcastle who had the right to vote for elections in the county of Northumberland in 1855. Printed in the Newcastle Morning Herald 11 October 1911
Surname: Crebert
First Name: Peter
Ship: -
Date: 8 July 1954
Place: Waratah
Source: The Newcastle Sun
Details: In recognition of the expansion of Newcastle, a Crown Land sale was held in May, 1868. The land was described as being in the vicinity of Waratah and Tighes Bridge. On the first day of the sale about 10 people turned up and only a few blocks were sold. Next day however, more than 100 attended, bidding was spirited and the prices obtained were well above the reserves set. There were 93 lots, some called town lots, others suburban and others country lots. The country areas ranged up to 321 acres but few were interested in them. The total amount realised was £2585 6s Id. For one of the suburban lots, Mr. Peter Crebert, the celebrated orchardist and vine-grower, paid £15 an acre for 11 acres. Mr. W. A. Sparke paid £20 an acre for six acres. Alexander Brown and J. B. Winship, two -leading citizens, bought a number of lots. John Scoley paid £4 13s for one acre, Mr. A. T. Brain bought 18 acres for £4 2s, Mr. Peter Mclsaacs paid £9 3s an acre for five acres and Mr. T. W. Mathieson £10 an acre for 17 acres. Other purchasers who founded still well-known families or whose names are perpetuated in locality and street names included: G. T. Alcock, George Gardner, Frank Gardner, N. Parkington, Thomas Tudor, John Thorn, Alexander Flood (the health inspector), Mr. Fenwick of Wallsend, R. Ingall, Henry Bryant, J. Williams, F. W. Shaw, S. Proctor, W. Crocker, A. Lindsay, L. Wood, James Corlette. T. H. Bryant, A. A. P. Tighe and E. Finlayson.— From The Newcastle Chronicle
Surname: Cribert (Crebert)
First Name: Peter
Ship: -
Date: 1888
Place: Waratah
Source: The Aldine centennial history of New South Wales illustrated / W. Frederic Morrison Morrison, W. Frederic Sydney. The Aldine Publishing Company, 1888
Details: PETER CRIBERT, Winegrower at the Folly, who was born in Kuderich, Germany, in 1824, came to the colony in 1849, and worked for a time as gardener at the Tweed Factory, Stockton, after which he went into the employ of the A.A. Company. In 1833 he purchased five acres-part of his present property- at £3 5s. per acre, and settled thereon; and two years afterwards he bought two acres more at £50 per acre. In 1856 he commenced the cultivation of the vine and the making of an orchard, and in 1859 made wine, the first ever produced in Newcastle. In this he was eminently successful; so much so, that he became a purchaser of several blocks of land in and around the district. His land, under vines, is capable of producing 500 gallons of wine per acre annually. Ile also grows peaches, plums, and all summer fruits. Mr. Cribert thoroughly understands vine culture and horticulture, being descended from a wine-growing family. At seventeen years of age he went into a nursery at Wiesbaden, and remained there till he came out to this country. He has a family of five sons and five daughters