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Surname: Coller
First Name: Rev
Ship: -
Date: 23 February 1880
Place: Baptist Church Newcastle
Source: NMH
Details: A correspondent writes: The Baptist church has been for a considerable time without a regular pastor, and consequently has been in a very low condition. They have now providentially secured the services of the Rev. Mr. Coller, a young gentleman recently from Mr. Spurgeon s college. He preaches once in Newcastle every Sunday, and once at Wallsend. I had the pleasure last Sunday week of hearing the rev. gentleman discoursing on the words. A new commandment I give you: That ye love one another as have loved you. No doubt I have heard a more eloquent speaker, though sometimes he made some fine dashes, but his ideas were grand, his language sublime, his attitude and gestures pleasing; altogether for a young man of only twenty-two
Surname: Coller
First Name: Rev.
Ship: -
Date: 28 May 1880
Place: Newcastle
Source: NMH
Details: Baptist Church, Newcastle. Or last Sunday afternoon, according to advertisement, the Rev. Mr. Coller preached a special sermon to the Sabbath School children; there were also a good sprinkling of adults. In the evening Mr. Coller preached a very impressive sermon, and after which hie administered the ordinance of believers baptism (immersion) to ,one female candidate. The chapel, which had been almost forsaken prior to Mr. Coller s advent, was crowded on the above occasion. Such a cheering aspect has not been witnessed since the days of the late Rev. P. Lane, and if the church will continue to progress as it has done, they will very shortly have to enlarge their present building or procure a more suitable site and erect a more commodious building. The Sabbath School also held their annual picnic on Queen s Birthday on Shepherd s Hill, to which also a great many of the friends and members of the church joined, in celebrating the birthday of our Gracious Queen, and cheerfulness and kindly feelings was one of the most apparent features of the day. There was one thing also worth commending: The superintendent and teachers had provided most excellent provisions for the occasion, and also regaled the children with lollies and fruit and innocent sports
Surname: Coller
First Name: Rev.
Ship: -
Date: 19 February 1881
Place: Sydney Street, Newcastle
Source: NMH
Details: Held anniversary service in connection with the Sydney street Baptist Church, Newcastle
Surname: Coller
First Name: Rev.
Ship: -
Date: 10 October 1936
Place: Newcastle
Source: NMH
Details: History of the Baptist movement at Newcastle on the 75th anniversary of the establishment of the Newcastle Baptist Tabernacle