Free Settler or Felon
Convict and Colonial History

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Surname: Cohen
First Name: Henry
Ship: -
Date: 1845 29 November
Place: -
Source: MM
Details: Playing cards at J. Young's Inn when Const. Walker, Kedwell and Sims entered the Inn

Surname: Cohen
First Name: Henry
Ship: -
Date: 1850 30 March
Place: Armidale
Source: MM
Details: Title deed to be delivered on application

Surname: Cohen
First Name: Henry
Ship: -
Date: 1852 23 October
Place: Sydney
Source: MM
Details: Consignee of gold brought down by the Rose steamer from the Hanging Rock gold fields

Surname: Cohen
First Name: Henry
Ship: -
Date: 1860 6 January
Place: Maitland
Source: Maitland Burial Ground
Details: Died aged 45

Surname: Cohen
First Name: Henry
Ship: -
Date: 1860 10 January
Place: West Maitland
Source: MM
Details: Died on 6th January 1860 at the residence of L.W. Levy. Aged 45

Surname: Cohen
First Name: Henry Emanuel
Ship: -
Date: 27 December 1911
Place: West Maitland
Source: NMH
Details: Henry Emanuel Cohen was born at Port Macquarie in December 1840. The family removed to Sydney in 1848 and to Goulburn in 1855 and the youth Henry was educated at different schools in Sydney and Goulburn. In 1856 he became an assistant in the house of David Cohen and Co. at West Maitland where he remained until 1864. During the four succeeding years he was engaged in commercial pursuis and in 1868 he went to England to read for the bar, to which he was called in June 1871. He left London on his return to NSW at the end of September 1871, and was a passenger by the Rangoon which was wrecked at Galle. In December 1874 Mr. Cohen became member for West Maitland and was a supporter of the Parkes Administration. He accepted office as Treasurer under Mr. Farnell in December 1877 and retired when that Ministry went out of office in 1878

Surname: Cohen
First Name: Henry Emanuel
Ship: -
Date: 1840 - 1912
Place: -
Source: Biographical Register of the New South Wales Parliament 1856-1901 C.N. Connolly (Online)
Details: Henry Emanuel Cohen - Barrister. B. 1 Dec. 1840 Port Macquarie, NSW, s. Abraham and Sophia; m. 17 May 1884 Sophie, d. Leo and Emilie Frank; 2s. D. 5 Jan. 1912 at sea; buried Syd. Jewish. Ed. Goulburn and Syd. At 16 became clerk with David Cohen & Co., W. Maitland, where remained 8 years. Opened store, Cohen & Co., with twin brother at Bathurst, 1864; closed down 1867. To London where studied at Middle Temple; called to Bar June 1871; returned to NSW, where became barrister specializing in commercial cases; acting Dist Court judge 1881-82; returned to Bar; acting Supreme Court judge 1895; Supreme Court judge 1896-1902; 1st pres. Arbitration Court 1902-05; Supreme Court judge 1905-11. Chmn of dirs Hosp. Saturday Fund of NSW 1894; pres. St John Ambulance Assn for many years; on bd York Street Synagogue from 1874, pres, for some years; member bd Montefiore Jewish Home. MLA for W. Maitland 21 Dec. 1874-9 Nov. 1880, 7 Dec. 1882-7 Oct. 1885. Col Treas. 18 Dec. 1877-20 Dec. 1878; Min. of Justice 5 Jan. 1883- 6 Oct. 1885

Surname: Cohen
First Name: Henry Emanuel M.L.A
Ship: -
Date: -
Place: -
Source: Australian Dictionary of Dates and Men of the Time
Details: Born at Port Macquarie in Dec. 1840. Moved with his parents to Sydney in 1848 and to Goulburn in 1855. In 1856 became an assistant in the house of David Cohen and Co., West Maitland where he remained until 1864. Called to the Bar in London in June 1871 and returned to Aust. on the 'Rangoon' in 1874. Became a Member for West Maitland and accepted the Office of Treasurer in 1877. Retired in 1878'

Surname: Cohen
First Name: Henry Joseph
Ship: -
Date: 1843 21 January
Place: -
Source: MM
Details: Clerk at Mr. Wiseman's stores

Surname: Cohen
First Name: Henry Joseph
Ship: -
Date: 1846 16 May
Place: -
Source: MM
Details: Claim for inclusion on electoral list allowed

Surname: Cohen
First Name: Henry Joseph
Ship: -
Date: 1846 28 October
Place: Maitland
Source: MM
Details: Calling for public meeting to discuss the re-introduction of transportation

Surname: Cohen
First Name: Henry Joseph
Ship: -
Date: 1836 26 January
Place: Maitland
Source: SG
Details: Granted title deeds to land in Maitland on 4 January 1836

Surname: Cohen
First Name: Henry Joseph
Ship: -
Date: 1840 4 December
Place: Anvil Creek
Source: Sydney Monitor/ An Organised Banditti, p.88
Details: Innkeeper at Shamrock Inn. Bailed up by bushrangers at the Inn on 1st December

Surname: Cohen
First Name: Henry Samuel
Ship: -
Date: 1862 6 May
Place: Maitland
Source: Maitland Burial Ground
Details: Son of William and Sarah. Died aged 15 months

Surname: Cohin (?Cohen)
First Name: Henry
Ship: Providence 1822
Date: 1823/24/25
Place: near Newcastle
Source: General Muster of New South Wales 1823, 1824, 1825
Details: Came free. Apprentice to Mr. Nowland