Free Settler or Felon
Convict and Colonial History

Search Result

Surname: Chitty
First Name: Constable Robert
Ship: -
Date: 1834 29 September
Place: Brisbane Water
Source: SH
Details: Stephen Curran, free, appointed constable in the room of Robert Chitty who was dismissed

Surname: Chitty
First Name: Robert
Ship: -
Date: -
Place: Cabbage Tree Bay
Source: Reid's Mistake, Keith H. Clouten
Details: Convict constable. Removed from position due to mis-conduct.

Surname: Chitty
First Name: Robert
Ship: -
Date: 10 December 1840
Place: Dungog
Source: SH
Details: Assigned to Matthew Chapman. Joined the Jew boy gang (bushrangers)

Surname: Chitty
First Name: Robert
Ship: -
Date: 1836 10 February
Place: Port Stephens
Source: GG 1836
Details: Scourger. Absconded with Eliza Welsh 29th December 1835

Surname: Chitty
First Name: Robert
Ship: Sophia 1829
Date: 16 January 1836
Place: Lake Macquarie
Source: Gosford (Brisbane Water) Court of Petty Sessions, Letter Books, 1826 - 1874 (Ancestry)
Details: Correspondence from Magistrate Jonathan Warner to the Superintendent of Convicts....Sir, I have the honor to report for your information that Robert Chitty per ship Sophia, holding a ticket of leave (scourger at Port Stephens) had charge of a female prisoner to convey to the cells at Newcastle, but instead of delivering the prisoner over to the gaoler there he passed over the ford at Lake Macquarie (near my farm) and said that the woman was his wife and that he was on his way to Brisbane Water. On receiving the information I sent my constable in search of the two prisoners, but too late to apprehend them as they left this district for Sydney on board the Catherine cutter yesterday morning passing as man and wife

Surname: Chitty
First Name: Robert
Ship: Sophia 1829
Date: 1841 25 February
Place: -
Source: SC. R v. Shea and others
Details: Had been assigned to Mr. Chapman

Surname: Chitty
First Name: Robert
Ship: Sophia 1829
Date: 1840 9 December
Place: Williams River
Source: G.G.
Details: Sawyer and soldier. Absconded from Mathew Chapman

Surname: Chitty
First Name: Robert
Ship: Sophia 1829
Date: 1840 30 December
Place: Upper Williams River
Source: GG
Details: Apprehended after absconding from Mathew Chapman

Surname: Chitty
First Name: Robert
Ship: Sophia 1829
Date: 18 March 1841
Place: Sydney
Source: Australasian Chronicle
Details: EXECUTION.-On Tuesday morning the six bushrangers, James Everett, Robert Chitty, John Marshall, Richard Glanville, John Shea, and Edward Davies, who were convicted at the last criminal sittings of the wilful murder of John Graham, at Scone, on the 21st December last, all paid the forfeit of their lives by expiating their offences on the scaffold. An immense crowd was collected to witness the last awful scene of these men s career, as they had been long notorious for the many burglaries which they had committed in various parts of the interior, but chiefly in the Hunter s River district. At a few minutes past nine o clock the wretched men were conducted from their cells to the area in front of the drop, where they knelt for some time in the exercise of their devotions. Chitty, Everett, Marshall, and Glanville, were attended by the Rev. Mr. Cowper and the Rev. John Elder; Shea by the Very Rev. Air. Murphy ; and Davies, being of the Jewish persuasion, was attended by Mr. Isaacs, the Jewish Rabbi. They all appeared to be deeply impressed with a full sense of their awful situation, and paid the greatest attention to the instruction and prayers of their spiritual attendants. After about ten minutes spent in devotion they arose, and Everett in a very hurried manner ran up the steps leading to the scaffold, and was followed by Chitty, Glanville, and Marshall; they all four in a loud and clear voice sung the first verse of the hymn commencing Awake my soul, and with the sun. Shea was the next to ascend, and Davies, who was dressed in a suit of mourning, was the last to ascend; he cast his eye with a keen penetrating glance upon the crowd assembled in the gaol yard as if to recognise any acquaintance, and then with a firm step mounted the ladder. A few minutes more were spent in devotion, and then the ropes were adjusted and the caps drawn over their faces; they still continued (particularly Everett and Glanville) in loud and apparently fervent prayer till the bolt was drawn, and they were launched into the presence of their Maker. They all died almost without a struggle. They had long been a terror to the inhabitants in the district of the Hunter, and it is to be hoped that awful example which has been made of them will deter others from the pursuing such law.

Surname: Chitty
First Name: Robert
Ship: Sophia 1829
Date: 1829 22 September
Place: Brisbane Water
Source: SG
Details: Appointed constable and scourger in room of Charles Kegs, deceased

Surname: Chitty
First Name: Robert
Ship: Sophia 1829
Date: 1834 30 June
Place: Sydney
Source: Application to marry
Details: Aged 26. Application to marry Mary Anne Pearce. Clergy Rev. Hill

Surname: Chitty
First Name: Robert
Ship: Sophia 1829
Date: 1836 13 January
Place: Dungog
Source: GG 1836
Details: Sawyer from Windsor aged 27. 5' 4 1/2"; ruddy freckled compl., light brown hair, hazel eyes, red mark GSRC and anchor on right arm, several red marks on left arm. Absconded from Police establishment at Dungog 29 Dec

Surname: Chitty
First Name: Robert
Ship: Sophia 1829
Date: 1836 3 February
Place: Port Stephens
Source: GG 1836
Details: Sawyer and soldier. Scourger in Port Stephens district. Absconded when in charge of a female prisoner

Surname: Chitty
First Name: Robert
Ship: Sophia 1829
Date: 1840 23 December
Place: Upper Williams River
Source: GG
Details: Sawyer and soldier aged 32. Joined 3 bushrangers and committed several robberies. Absconded from Matthew Chapman 30th November

Surname: Chitty
First Name: Robert
Ship: Sophia 1829
Date: 1840 30 December
Place: Upper Williams River
Source: GG
Details: Apprehended after absconding from Matthew Chapman

Surname: Chitty
First Name: Robert
Ship: Sophia 1829
Date: 1829 21 January
Place: -
Source: AO NSW Convict Indent Fiche No. 671
Details: Age 21. No reading or writing. Single. Native of Windsor. Pit Sawyer and Soldier. Tried in Dublin and sentenced to 14 years transportation for desertion. Two prior convictions. Assigned to the department of public works on arrival

Surname: Chitty (Bushranger)
First Name: Robert
Ship: -
Date: 1841 27 February
Place: Sydney
Source: FP
Details: Tried in the Supreme Court before the Chief Justice on 24th February 1841. Bushranger

Surname: Chitty (Chetty)
First Name: Robert
Ship: Sophia 1829
Date: 1841 25 February
Place: St. Albans
Source: SC. R v. Shea and others
Details: Indicted for being present, aiding abetting and assisting the murder of John Graham