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Surname: Chartres
First Name: George
Ship: -
Date: 6 April 1816
Place: Sydney
Source: SG
Details: HIS EXCELLENCY the GOVERNOR has been pleased to Increase the Salary of Mr. George Chartres, as Clerk to the Superintendant of the Police, from Thirty Pounds to Forty five Pounds Sterling per Annum ; the said In- crease to be understood to have taken Place on and from the First of the present Month of April, and to be paid from the Police Fund. By Command of His Excellency, J. T. CAMPBELL, Secretary

Surname: Chartres
First Name: George
Ship: -
Date: 16 August 1817
Place: Sydney
Source: SG
Details: Paid from the Police Fund - Mr. George Chartres, for Stationary supplied by him for the use of the Bench of Magistrates. - 10 7 6

Surname: Chartres
First Name: George
Ship: -
Date: 8 November 1817
Place: Sydney
Source: SG
Details: MR. and Mrs. CHARTRES intending to leave the Colony by the Ship Harriet, request that should there be any Claims against them, or their Servant, W. Jobson, the same may be foithwiih presented ; and those indebted to Mr. Chartres are required to retire their Obligations without further delay, as otherwise he will be under the painful necessity of suing forthwith

Surname: Chartres
First Name: George
Ship: Providence 1811
Date: 1813 27 February
Place: Newcastle
Source: CSI
Details: On list of prisoners sent to Newcastle. Arrived as convict per "Providence", 1811 and received a ticket of leave on arrival; he was Clerk to D'Arcy Wentworth from 1811 to 1817; he practised as an attorney from September 1812; his ticket of leave was revoked on 27 February 1813 and restored in December 1813; he received a conditional pardon on 13 June 1814 and resumed his legal practice together with mercantile dealings and keeping a public house; he was admitted to act in the civil court on 4 July 1814; he received an absolute pardon on 1 January 1816; and returned to England in 1817

Surname: Chartres
First Name: George
Ship: Providence 1811
Date: 1816 1 January
Place: Newcastle
Source: CSI
Details: Absolute Pardon. Returned to England 1817

Surname: Chartres
First Name: George
Ship: Providence 1811
Date: -
Place: -
Source: Selection of reports and papers of the House of Commons: Prisons...Volume 51 - Letter from Mr. Justice Bent to the Earl Bathurst (Sydney 1st July 1815)
Details: .......The individuals who have practised, or who claim a right to be admitted as attornies, are, George Crossley, Edward Eagar, George Chartres, Michael Robinson,and William Fleming.........George Chartres was convicted at the Dublin assizes, July 1810, of a felony, and was transported to this colony in the year 1811, and only received a conditional emancipation in June 1814 and he has been sent, once since his arrival in this colony, to the Coal River for misconduct, and is also still under the sentence of the law. George Crossley and Edward Eagar, petitioned the Governor, and requested his interference, fearing they should be excluded from their practice; and, together with George Chartres, petitioned the Supreme Court to be admitted as attornies. The two latter have contented themselves with silently waiting the event of their application.