Search Result
Surname: Cassidy
First Name: Patrick
Ship: -
Date: 1835 3 August
Place: Maitland
Source: R v Cassidy & Bagley
Details: Indicted for assaulting Hugh McIntyre at Maitland quarries
Surname: Cassidy
First Name: Patrick
Ship: -
Date: 1835 28 April
Place: Maitland
Source: R v Cassidy & Bagley
Details: Stabbed with a bayonet by Corporal
Surname: Cassidy
First Name: Patrick
Ship: -
Date: 1835 4 September
Place: Newcastle
Source: Australian
Details: To be executed on 9th September at Newcastle
Surname: Cassidy
First Name: Patrick
Ship: -
Date: 1835 4 August
Place: Newcastle
Source: SG
Details: Attacked the overseer of No. 7 iron Gang. Sentenced to be executed
Surname: Cassidy
First Name: Patrick
Ship: Henry Porcher 1825
Date: 7 December 1825
Place: Sydney
Source: Convict Indents. State Archives NSW; Series: NRS 12188; Item: [4/4009A]; Microfiche: 656
Details: Patrick Cassidy age 25. Indoor and outdoor servant from Co. Louth. Tried at Dublin 10 May 1825. Sentenced to 7 years transportation. Assigned to Mr. Maziere in Sydney on arrival
Surname: Cassidy
First Name: Patrick
Ship: Waterloo 1831
Date: 1835 25 August
Place: Maitland
Source: SG
Details: Sentenced to death for attacking overseer of iron gang Hugh McIntyre
Surname: Cassidy
First Name: Patrick
Ship: Waterloo 1831
Date: 1835 28 April
Place: Newcastle gaol
Source: NGE
Details: Labourer from Dublin. Admitted to Newcastle gaol. Remanded on a charge of attempted murder and committed for trial at Supreme Court. Sent to Sydney for trial 13 May
Surname: Cassidy
First Name: Patrick
Ship: Waterloo 1831
Date: 1831
Place: -
Source: State Archives NSW; Series: NRS 12188; Item: [4/4016]; Microfiche: 678
Details: Patrick Cassidy age 21. Ploughs, reaps. Native place Meath. Tried at Meath 3 August 1830. Sentenced to transportation for life for highway robbery. Assigned to Thomas Winder at Hunter River on arrival
Surname: Cassidy (Executed)
First Name: Patrick
Ship: -
Date: 1835 3 August
Place: Maitland
Source: R v Cassidy & Bagley
Details: Found guilty and sentenced to death. Executed on 4.9.1835