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Surname: Butterworth
First Name: Edmond
Ship: Prince of Orange 1821
Date: 1821
Place: -
Source: Convict Indents. State Archives NSW. Microfiche 645. (Ancestry)
Details: Age 18. Tried Essex Colchester Quarter Sessions 17 July 1820 and sentenced to transportation for life. Native place Birmingham. Occupation tailor.
Surname: Butterworth
First Name: Edmond
Ship: Prince of Orange 1821
Date: 3 September1820
Place: York hulk, Portsmouth
Source: UK Prison Hulk Registers (Ancestry)
Details: Age 18. Convicted of felony at Chelmsford 17 July 1820. Admitted to the York hulk 3 September 1820 from Chelmsford. Transferred from the hulk to the Prince of Orange on 2 October 1820 for transportation to NSW
Surname: Butterworth
First Name: Edmond
Ship: Prince of Orange 1821
Date: 29 November 1826
Place: Newcastle
Source: NSW Courts Magistrates, Newcastle Police Court: 1823-1825, 1826-1827 (Ancestry)
Details: John Mayo, in government service, charged with disorderly conduct. George Furby (Furber) states - The evening of Monday, Mayo came to my father s house accompanied by another man and called for a gill of spirits which was served; he drank all except about three parts of a glass full which he offered to his companion who refused it upon which he turned round and threw the spirits in my face. I was blind the whole of the evening from the effects of the spirits in my eyes. Edmund Butterworth states - I was present on Monday evening when Mayo threw some spirits in the face of the last witness. I do not think he did it with any intention of hurting him, I did not suppose but that it was done in joke. The prisoner states in his defence - I am in the habit of dealing at Mr. Smiths and his son George has frequently thrown in fury the remains of spirits in glasses on me. I had no intention of doing him any injury and I am sorry for the pain he has suffered; I have been in the watch house two nights on this charge. John Mayo admonished and discharged.