Search Result
Surname: Burns
First Name: Maria
Ship: Andromeda 1834 (?Caroline 1833)
Date: 1835 4 July
Place: Newcastle gaol
Source: NGE
Details: Admitted to Newcastle gaol from Maitland. Returned to government service, her mistress being dead. Re-assigned to Captain Black at Falbrook 12 August
Surname: Burns
First Name: Maria
Ship: Caroline 1833
Date: 1834 12 December
Place: Newcastle
Source: NGE
Details: Servant from Co. Down. Admitted to Newcastle gaol under sentence of 8mths in the 3rd Class Female factory. Sent to Parramatta as incorrigible on 14th February. Conduct in Newcastle gaol disorderly and foolish
Surname: Burns
First Name: Maria
Ship: Caroline 1833
Date: 1835 24 March
Place: Newcastle gaol
Source: NGE
Details: Servant from Co. Down. Admitted to Newcastle gaol. Sent to Parramatta for assignment. Assigned to Mary Hunt at Maitland on 22 April. Conduct in gaol disorderly and foolish
Surname: Burns
First Name: Maria
Ship: Caroline 1833
Date: 1837
Place: Paterson
Source: GRC
Details: Age 28. Assigned to Thomas Black
Surname: Burns
First Name: Maria
Ship: Caroline 1833
Date: 6 August 1833
Place: Newcastle
Source: Settler and Convict Lists 1787-1834. Ancestry
Details: Assigned to Newcastle
Surname: Burns
First Name: Maria
Ship: Caroline 1833
Date: 2 January 1836
Place: Newcastle gaol
Source: Newcastle Gaol Entrance Book. State Archives NSW; Roll: 136
Details: Admitted to Newcastle gaol from Maitland under sentence of 28 days in the cells and return to government service. Assigned to Mr Robertson on 14 March 1836