Search Result
Surname: Bull
First Name: Edmond
Ship: -
Date: 1845 13 December
Place: Patrick Plains
Source: MM
Details: Unclaimed letter held in the Sydney Post Office
Surname: Bull
First Name: Edmond
Ship: -
Date: 1855
Place: Freehold. Address - The Folly
Source: NMH
Details: On a list of electors in the police district of Newcastle who had the right to vote for elections in the county of Northumberland in 1855. Printed in the Newcastle Morning Herald 11 October 1911
Surname: Bull
First Name: Edmond
Ship: -
Date: 17 January 1936
Place: The Folly
Source: NMH
Details: LOOKING BACK Mayfield Early Days BULLS FAMOUS GARDENS To the older generation of Newcastle people Bulls Gardens, Bulls-road, Whitebridge, will be remembered as one of the beauty spots of the district in their youth. Although time has changed much of the splendour of the gardens, they are still beautifully set in a gully terraced by tiers of stone walls. At the head of the gully two creeks join in a large rock pool, a miniature lake, from which flows a stream that forms a waterfall and feeds the creek that flows through what was once one of time finest gardens in Australia. In the residence overlooking the gardens live Mr. and Mrs. Sid Bull, two natives of Mayfield. They were born in Mayfield 75 and 74 years ago, respectively. Over 90 years ago Mr. and Mrs. Edmond Bull, from the Isle of Wight settled in Mayfield and reared a family of eight children, the survivors of whom. in addition to Mr. and Mrs. S. Bull are Messrs. L. Bull and E. Bull, Beaumont-street, Hamilton, and Mrs. ,P. J. Dunstan, Wahroonga-road, Adamstown. Mr. and Mrs. S. Bull tell some interesting stories. - Bulls-street. Mayfield, was named after my father. A retired squatter took up some land, and as payment for clearing the land to establish a vineyard, father was given seven acres, which he planted as a garden. As was the custom with many well-to-do people in those days, the squatter planted a vineyard to produce wine for his own use. My father was one of the men who built the old house known as The Follies, Mrs. Bull interposed. The old place which was demolished recently was generally supposed to have been built by convicts. But it was not so. My father, Josiah Hughes, was a stonemason. Many of the old buildings to be seen in parts of Newcastle were roofed with slates by him. A house with a slate roof was a mark of social distinction, if not of social worth. Most of the houses were roofed with shingle or bark and built of rough-hewn slabs of timber. I was born in what is now Kerr-street, May field, added Mrs. Bull. Our home was situated where Stewarts and Lloyds offices now stand, continued Mr. Bull. I was born there. In addition to the production of fruit and vegetables, father obtained a livelihood shooting game on the river and catching fish, which le hawked by boat to Newcastle and sold. I believe he grew the first bananas in the district; He hawked the bananas in Newcastle, but nobody would by them as the majority of the people had never seen such fruit previously and were suspicious of their taste and worth