Search Result
Surname: Brain
First Name: William
Ship: -
Date: 1851 19 February
Place: Care of Mr. Croft, Newcastle
Source: MM
Details: Unclaimed letter in P.O. Sydney
Surname: Brain
First Name: William
Ship: -
Date: 1855
Place: Freehold. Address - Platts Channel
Source: NMH
Details: On a list of electors in the police district of Newcastle who had the right to vote for elections in the county of Northumberland in 1855. Printed in the Newcastle Morning Herald 11 October 1911
Surname: Brain
First Name: William
Ship: -
Date: 1 June 1853
Place: Newcastle
Source: SR NSW Archive Reel: 1583; Series: 12992; Description: Registers of Memorials for Land 1825-1842
Details: Purchased 32 acres, 3 roods and 19 perches on the Newcastle/Maitland Road
Surname: Brain
First Name: William
Ship: -
Date: 22 April 1879
Place: Newcastle
Source: NMH
Details: Newcastle Borough Council - William Brain asking permission to form a cartway in Church-street. Permission granted
Surname: Brain
First Name: William
Ship: Barossa 1839
Date: 1845 10 May
Place: Newcastle
Source: MM
Details: Obtained ticket of leave
Surname: Brain
First Name: William
Ship: Barossa 1839
Date: 1843 August
Place: Newcastle
Source: Register Book of Christ Church Cathedral, Newcastle. Marriages p19
Details: Marriage of William Brain aged 26 and Maria Byrne aged 20. Witnesses William Major and Amelia Steel
Surname: Brain
First Name: William
Ship: Barossa 1839
Date: 5 July 1843
Place: Newcastle
Source: Application to Marry
Details: William Brain per 'Barossa' aged 26, application to marry Maria Byrne age 29 per 'Isabella'. Granted
Surname: Brain
First Name: William
Ship: Barossa 1839
Date: 21 November 1843
Place: Newcastle gaol
Source: State Archives NSW; Gaol Entrance Book, Item: 2/2020; Roll: 757 (Ancestry)
Details: Admitted to Newcastle gaol on a charge of insolence. Sentenced to 6 days solitary confinement and return to service
Surname: Brain
First Name: William
Ship: Barossa 1839
Date: 1839
Place: -
Source: State Archives NSW. Convict Indents. microfiche 738
Details: Labourer age 22 from Birmingham. Reads and writes. Tried at the Warwick Assizes 4 August 1838 and sentenced to 10 years transportation for housebreaking..
Surname: Brain
First Name: William and Maria
Ship: -
Date: 1853 November
Place: Newcastle
Source: Register Book of Christ Church Cathedral Newcastle. Marriages p42
Details: From Spit Island. Witnesses at the marriage of Joseph Bedford and Jane Waters
Surname: Brain
First Name: William Thomas
Ship: -
Date: 1852 5 June
Place: Northumberland
Source: MM
Details: Deeds for 17 acres. Lot 1
Surname: Brain
First Name: William Thomas
Ship: -
Date: 19 January 1934
Place: Mayfield
Source: Newcastle Chronicle
Details: OLD PROPERTY Changes Hands at Mayfield HOW VALUES HAVE ALTERED A 33-acre block of land that has quite a history changed hands yesterday. It is situated in Mayfield West, in the centre of an area that possibly has more historical associations than any other part of Newcastle. The land is an old farming property, with a frontage of 10 chains to Bull-street and a return frontage of 33 chains to Tourle-street, and an area, of 33 acres 16 perches. It is the most western allotment in Mayfield, for Tourle-street is the boundary between the municipality and Tarro Shire. The property has been bought by the Bishop of Maitland. The Murray-Dwyer Orphanage, opened recently is on the opposite side of Tourle-street, and the newly acquired area will probably he used for the extension of the activities of the institution in the future. The purchase price was £2600. Eighty-three years ago, on December 13, 1850. this block was made available for settlement. The original documents describe it as situated at Platt s Channel, near Newcastle. John Nott was the first owner--he bought the 33 acres in 1851 for £491/13/. In the following year he sold it to James and Alexander Brown for £101/6/6. Apparently the famous coal firm found it unsuitable for their purposes, for in the same year they transferred it to William Thomas Brain for £78. The new owner took over a wilderness covered with thick brush; he farmed it, and improved it to such an extent that in 1864. when he sold it to David Simpson, he received £1000 for the property. After Mr. Simpson s death it was offered at auction in 1909, and bought by the vendors in the present sale for £510. William Brain lived in a small cottage near the river, but this has been demolished. and to-day only the dome of the original well remains. David Simpson built the present home, a cottage of mixed construction.
Surname: Brain
First Name: William Thomas and Frances E
Ship: -
Date: 30 March 1917
Place: Newcastle
Source: NMH
Details: Hotel Rents - Special Licensing court - Centennial Hotel. John McCartney, was represented by Mr. Braye, Mr. J. D. Reid appeaered for the owners William Thomas Brain and Frances E. Brain and Mr. Tighe for the Castlemaine Brewery