Search Result
Surname: Barney
First Name: Captain George
Ship: -
Date: 1836 16 July
Place: Newcastle
Source: SG
Details: Royal Engineers. Recommencing work on Nobbys breakwater. Estimated to complete in 5yrs time employing 200 prisoners and machinery. 3000 pounds
Surname: Barney
First Name: Captain George
Ship: -
Date: 1836 19 March
Place: -
Source: SG
Details: Birth - on the 14th instant, the lady of Capt. Barney of the Royal Engineers a daughter
Surname: Barney
First Name: Captain George
Ship: -
Date: 1836 1 March
Place: Newcastle
Source: SG
Details: Inspected the Breakwater at Newcastle and declared it to be a disaster
Surname: Barney
First Name: Captain George
Ship: -
Date: 1836 2 April
Place: Newcastle
Source: Monitor
Details: Proceeding to Newcastle to approve the site of the new military barracks
Surname: Barney
First Name: Captain George
Ship: -
Date: 1836 20 September
Place: -
Source: Australian
Details: Recommending a micacious sand stone obtainable in Newcastle to be used for paving the streets of Sydney
Surname: Barney
First Name: Captain George
Ship: -
Date: 1837 6 July
Place: Sydney
Source: SG
Details: Correspondence from Captain Barney to the Colonial Secretary on the subject of the Tunnel and supply of water to Sydney
Surname: Barney
First Name: Captain George
Ship: British Sovereign 1835
Date: 1835 12 December
Place: Port Jackson
Source: SG
Details: Captain Barney of the Royal Engineers, Mrs Barney, Miss Ellen Barney, Miss Maria Barney and Master James Barney, passengers on the 'British Sovereign' from London
Surname: Barney
First Name: Colonel George
Ship: -
Date: 1841 25 Feburary
Place: Newcastle
Source: The Australian
Details: Prompted by The Australian to make enquiries into the death of six infirm men working on the breakwater
Surname: Barney
First Name: Colonel George
Ship: -
Date: 1860 13 June
Place: St. Thomas Church, St. Leonards, North Shore Sydney
Source: SMH
Details: Marriage on 26th May of Robert Deane, late of HMS Iris and Henrietta, youngest daughter of Colonel Barney, RE., late Surveyor-General
Surname: Barney
First Name: George
Ship: -
Date: 1851 13 August
Place: -
Source: MM
Details: Chief Commissioner of Crown Lands
Surname: Barney
First Name: George
Ship: -
Date: 1851 29 October
Place: New England
Source: MM
Details: On list printed in the Gazette for New Commission of the Peace
Surname: Barney
First Name: George (Captain and Brevet-Major)
Ship: -
Date: 1840
Place: -
Source: The United Service Journal (Google Books)
Details: Corps of the Royal Engineers. Appointed to Lieut-Colonel vice Walker who retired on full pay
Surname: Barney
First Name: Lieutenant Colonel George
Ship: -
Date: 1841 27 March
Place: Sydney
Source: FP
Details: 28th regiment to be instructed in artillary training by Lieutenant Colonel Barney in order to defend the colony
Surname: Barney
First Name: Lieutenant-Colonel George
Ship: -
Date: 1841 25 May
Place: -
Source: SH
Details: On list of Military Officers on duty in NSW in 1841. Royal Engineers. Entered the army 11 July 1808. Served at the defence of Tariffe in 1811 and 1812; and at the capture of Guadaloupe and Saintres in 1815
Surname: Barney
First Name: Lieutenant-Colonel George
Ship: -
Date: 1846
Place: -
Source: Annual Register Volume 88 Edited by Edmund Burke
Details: Late Lieut-Colonel in the Royal Engineers. Appointed Lieut-Governor of North Australia, and to administer the government of that colony, under the style and title of Superintendent thereof
Surname: Barney
First Name: Major George
Ship: -
Date: 1841 18 December
Place: Newcastle
Source: HRG
Details: Public works inspector
Surname: Barney
First Name: Major George
Ship: -
Date: 1841 18 December
Place: Newcastle
Source: HRG
Details: Visited Newcastle to inspect public works
Surname: Barney
First Name: Major George
Ship: -
Date: 1837 23 November
Place: Parramatta
Source: SG
Details: The Governor, Judge Burton, Major Barney and Lieut. Campbell visited the Female Factory at Parramatta 21st November 1837
Surname: Barney
First Name: Major George
Ship: -
Date: 1837 21 October
Place: Newcastle
Source: SG
Details: Re the Military Barracks at Newcastle
Surname: Barney
First Name: Major George
Ship: -
Date: 1838 23 May
Place: St. James Church, Sydney
Source: The Sydney Monitor
Details: Marriage of Captain David Charles Frederick Scott, Bombay Light Cavalry, to Maria Jane, second daughter of Major George Barney, Commanding Royal Engineers, Sydney on 17th May 1838