Search Result
Surname: Armstrong
First Name: Captain
Ship: -
Date: 1843 7 October
Place: Newcastle.
Source: MM
Details: -
Surname: Armstrong
First Name: Captain
Ship: -
Date: 1842 11 June
Place: Nobbys
Source: HRG
Details: Sent ten files of detachment and colour sergeant under arms under the command of Lieut. Fraser to Nobbys to quell convict mutiny
Surname: Armstrong
First Name: Captain
Ship: -
Date: 1843 12 August
Place: Newcastle
Source: MM
Details: Magistrate hearing cases at police office on 8th August
Surname: Armstrong
First Name: Captain John
Ship: -
Date: 1842 25 May
Place: Newcastle
Source: CO
Details: Captain John Armstrong, 99th regt. Appointed magistrate of the territory and assistant engineer at Newcatle stockade vice Lieutenant Fraser
Surname: Armstrong 99th Regiment
First Name: Captain John
Ship: -
Date: 1842 25 May
Place: Newcastle
Source: CO
Details: Captain John Armstrong, 99th regt. Appointed magistrate of the territory and assistant engineer at Newcastle stockade vice Lieutenant Fraser
Surname: Armstrong 99th Regiment
First Name: Captain John
Ship: -
Date: March 1842
Place: -
Source: The Asiatic Journal and Monthly Miscellany, Volume 37
Details: 57th foot (at Madras). Capt. John Armstrong from h.p. 99th foot to be capt. vice Welman promoted