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Surname: Dean
First Name: Rev. W. J
Ship: -
Date: 19 October 1864
Place: Newcastle
Source: Newcastle Chronicle
Details: On the 3rd October 1864 the members of the Primitive Methodist Church met in the Co-operative Store for the purpose of bidding farewell to their pastor the Rev. W. J. Dean, prior to his departure for South Australia. Upwards of 400 persons were present and presented the rev. gentleman with an address and a testimonial of 20 sovereigns
Surname: Dean
First Name: Rev. W. J
Ship: -
Date: 22 May 1945
Place: Wallsend
Source: The Newcastle sun
Details: Wallsend Primitive Methodists 78th Anniversary Services Wallsend Primitive Methodists are this week celebrating the 78th anniversary of the erection of their first stone church in the town. Although the first church was built in 1863, it was not till 1867 that the stone structure was built. The first services were conducted by the Rev. Green from a tree stump in Pitt Town for several weeks until a tent was erected. The first church, of wooden slabs, cost £66 0s ld. The main items of expenditure were 150 slabs £3 15s. 12 rail-back seats £7 10s, nails £1 2s Id, roof shingles £5 12s, lamps and glasses £1 16s 6id. The official opening of the church was performed by die Rev. W. J. Dean, who was the minister in the Newcastle area and travelled to Wallsend periodically to preach. In 1867 a brick church was built over the little old wooden one, the contract price of which was £400. The trustees borrowed £200 to pay the contractor and insured the church for £500. In 1869 a fire razed the Blue Bell Hotel, which was next to the church, and also burnt the church to the ground, there being no fire brigade in the town in those days. The trustees received £480 from the insurance and with money promised set about the erection of a new church, the contract price be ins £320 During the reconstruction, open air meetings were held, but were later transferred to the Newcastle Wallsend Coal Co.s workshops, where temporary seating accommodation was provided. The Rev. E. Cook-Pritchard was appointed in 1865. Others who followed were Rev. J. E. Mell (1867). Rev. J. Feggan (1870), Rev. B. Kenny (1875).
Surname: Dean
First Name: Rev. W. J
Ship: -
Date: 1860
Place: Newcastle
Source: Glory be 1845-1945, commemorating the 100th anniversary of the opening of the first Wesleyan Chapel in Newcastle
Details: Early ministers at Brown Street were Revs. Henry Green (1858), W. J. Dean (1860), E. Cook Pritchard (1865), J. Sharp (1869), J. H. Daish, C. Waters (1874), J. S. Dobson and G. James (1878), who was assisted by his son, Rev. A. S. C. James
Surname: Dean
First Name: Rev. W. J
Ship: -
Date: 25 January 1862
Place: Newcastle
Source: Newcastle Chronicle
Details: Birth, on 24 January, at her residence, Blane street, Newcastle, the wife of the Rev. W. J. Dean, of a son
Surname: Dean
First Name: Rev. W. J
Ship: -
Date: 18 July 1863
Place: Newcastle
Source: Newcastle Chronicle
Details: Marriage, on 4th July, by the Rev. W. J. Dean, at his residence, Montebello House, Newcastle, Robert George, only son of Mr. Robert Keddie of Pitt Town near Newcastle, and formerly of Edinburgh, Scotland, to Frances Reed, eldest daughter of the late Mr. John Stokoe, builder, Newcastle and formerly of Wickham, England
Surname: Dean
First Name: Rev. W.J
Ship: -
Date: 23 February 1861
Place: Newcastle
Source: Newcastle Chronicle
Details: On the 16th instant, by the Rev. W.J. Dean at the residence of Mr. G. Wrightson, Mr. George David Wrightson, engine driver of Bull Street, and late of Wickham, Durham, England, to Miss Shirma Hamlyn of Brook Street and late of Drewalington, Devonshire, England