Search Result
Surname: -
First Name: -
Ship: Skelton 1822
Date: 23 January 1823
Place: Sydney
Source: Sydney Gazette
Details: Arrival of the ship Skelton Capt. Dixon, on 24th December 1822, having 44 passengers on board. Mr. W. Murray, who was emigrating to these Colonies, died on the passage. Captain Dixon brings out, as was contemplated a most valuable investment
Surname: Dixon (Dickson)
First Name: Andrew
Ship: Skelton 1822
Date: 28 December 1822
Place: Hobart
Source: Hobart Town Gazette
Details: Passenger on the Skelton from Scotland
Surname: Maziere
First Name: -
Ship: Skelton 1822
Date: 1823 13 February
Place: Sydney
Source: SG
Details: Passenger on the Skelton, departing Leith 11th July
Surname: Maziere
First Name: David
Ship: Skelton 1822. Came Free
Date: 1823
Place: Newcastle
Source: CSI
Details: Of Newcastle. Memorial for a town allotment
Surname: Rae (or Rea)
First Name: Henry, James, Joan, William
Ship: Skelton 1822
Date: 1825
Place: Pitt Street Sydney
Source: New South Wales and Tasmania, Australia Convict Musters. Class: HO 10; Piece: 20
Details: Henry Rae, saddler of Pitt Street, wife Joan, sons James and William came free on the Skelton in 1822
Surname: Reid
First Name: James
Ship: Skelton 1822
Date: 1828
Place: Rosebrook, Luskintyre
Source: 1828 Census
Details: Came Free. Farmer
Surname: Reid
First Name: Lieutenant James
Ship: Skelton 1822
Date: 28 December 1822
Place: Scotland, Rio de Janiero, Hobart
Source: Hobart Town Gazette
Details: Forty-four passengers on the Skelton - Lietenant James Reid and wife, William Gunn, Mr. Strachan and family, Rev. A. McArthur, Mr. R. McKrusty, Mr. L. Dickson, Mr. D. Maziere, Mrs. Larra, Mr. H. Cundell, Miss N. Cundell, Mr. T. Watson, Mr. and Mrs. Pearson, Mr. A. (?Andrew) Dickson, Mr. R. Campbell, Mr. G. Scott, Mr. R. Doctor, Mr. J. Dickson and family, Mr. T. McClean, Mr. D. Dkirvin, Mr. J. Rae and family, Mr. G. Dobson and family, Mr. B. Yates, Miss Yates, Mr. R. Knotman, Mr. G. Brown, Mr. F. Rose, Mr. A. Downey and Mr. T. Knox all passengers on the Skelton
Surname: Reid
First Name: Mrs
Ship: Skelton 1822
Date: 1828
Place: Rosebrook, Luskintyre
Source: 1828 Census
Details: Came Free
Surname: Reid
First Name: Rosanna
Ship: Skelton 1822
Date: 1825
Place: Newcastle
Source: New South Wales and Tasmania, Australia Convict Musters. Class: HO 10; Piece: 20
Details: Came free. Wife of James Reid of Newcastle
Surname: Strachan
First Name: John
Ship: Skelton 1822
Date: 1825
Place: Newcastle
Source: New South Wales and Tasmania, Australia Convict Musters. Class: HO 10; Piece: 20
Details: Came Free. Employed by Robert Coram Dillon at Newcastle
Surname: Stronach
First Name: John
Ship: Skelton 1822
Date: 1828
Place: Wallis Plains
Source: 1828 Census
Details: Came free. Baker aged 31 employed by George Druitt
Surname: Stronach
First Name: John
Ship: Skelton 1822
Date: 1824
Place: Newcastle
Source: CSI
Details: Came Free. Memorial for town allotment or lease at Newcastle
Surname: Stronach (Stronick)
First Name: John
Ship: Skelton 1822
Date: 1824 6 November
Place: Newcastle
Source: CSI
Details: On return of Newcastle town allotments