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Surname: -
First Name: -
Ship: Royal Admiral 1832
Date: 5 May 1832
Place: Port Jackson
Source: Sydney Gazette
Details: Arrival - from London via Hobart Town, on Thursday last, the ship Royal Admiral, Captain Fotheringham, Lading, merchandise. Passengers, Miss Ferris, Miss A. Ferris, Mr. H. Ferris, Mr. Harvey, Mr. Roemar, Mr. D. Baker, Mr. Fotheringham, Mrs. Haladay and 2 children, Susannah Murray, Miss M. A. Clarke, Stephen Thompson, Richard Sizemore and H. Townsend
Surname: Ferris
First Name: Miss Elizabeth
Ship: Royal Admiral 1832
Date: 1832 5 May
Place: Port Jackson
Source: SG
Details: Passenger on the 'Royal Admiral' from London via Hobart.
Surname: Glennie
First Name: Henry
Ship: Royal Admiral 1832
Date: -
Place: Glendon, Singleton
Source: Singleton Pioneer Register p. 38
Details: Born 1807 in Surry England, son of William Glennie and Mary Gardiner.Spouse Elizabeth Ferris. Henry Glennie was one of 12 sons of Dr. Glennie of Dulwich College, Surry. He first lived in a slab house built for him by the Scotts known as Glendon Cottage and later built 'Flowerbank'.'