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Surname: -
First Name: -
Ship: Mary Hay 1839
Date: 21 May 1839
Place: Sydney
Source: SG
Details: From the Cape of Good Hope having sailed 20th March, the barque Mary Hay, Captain Volum with 68 government emigrants (late of the Juliana, wrecked at the Cape) under the superintendence of Henry Kelsall R.N.. Passengers - Cabin - Captain Townsend, Bengal Native Infantry, Mr. George Milne, Mr. George Wilkinson, Mr. John Stewart, Mr. James Crawford. Steerage Thomas and Robert Browne, William Ryan
Surname: Croft
First Name: James
Ship: Juliana 1839; Mary Hay 1839.....
Date: 19 May 1839
Place: -
Source: State Records Online Shipping List
Details: Brickmaker from Hastings. Employed by George Townshend at Hunter River on arrival.
Surname: Gurr
First Name: Henry
Ship: Juliana 1839; Mary Hay 1839.....
Date: 19 May 1839
Place: -
Source: State Records Online Shipping List
Details: Miller from Tinderton age 24. Embarked with his wife. Employed by Mr. Neill at Wooloomooloo on arrival..
Surname: Keoness
First Name: John
Ship: Juliana 1839; Mary Hay 1839.....
Date: 19 May 1839
Place: -
Source: State Records Online Shipping List
Details: Labourer from Icclesham. Employed by George Townshend at Paterson on arrival..
Surname: Millham
First Name: Francis
Ship: Juliana 1839; Mary Hay 1839.....
Date: 19 May 1839
Place: -
Source: State Records Online Shipping List
Details: Agriculturalist from Sussex. Emigrant. Employed by John Thompson at Hunter River on arrival..
Surname: Oxley
First Name: Henry
Ship: Juliana 1839; Mary Hay 1839.....
Date: 19 May 1839
Place: -
Source: State Records Online Shipping List
Details: Bricklayer from Worthing age 42. Emigrant. Embarked with his wife and five children. Employed on his own account at Maitland on arrival...
Surname: Parsons
First Name: David
Ship: Juliana 1839; Mary Hay 1839.....
Date: 19 May 1839
Place: -
Source: State Records Online Shipping List
Details: Shepherd from Brede age 42. Emigrant. Embarked with his wife and six children. Employed by Edwin Hickey at Hunter River on arrival.
Surname: Salomon
First Name: John
Ship: Juliana 1839; Mary Hay 1839.....
Date: 19 May 1839
Place: -
Source: State Records Online Shipping List
Details: Agriculturalist from Bodingham age 43. Embarked with his wife and four children. Employed by John Moore at Brisbane Water on arrival...