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Surname: -
First Name: -
Ship: Kains 1831
Date: 1831 12 March
Place: Port Jackson
Source: SG
Details: Departed London 8th July and arrived Port Jackson 11 March. Captain Goodwin. Bringing 120 female prisoners, 2 having died on the voyage. Three free women with four children came by the Kains to join their husbands. Surgeon Superintendent J. Clarke
Surname: Armstrong
First Name: Hannah
Ship: Kains 1831
Date: 5 May 1836
Place: Newcastle gaol
Source: Newcastle Gaol Entrance Book. State Archives NSW; Roll: 136
Details: Admitted to Newcastle gaol from Maitland under charge of refusing to work. Sentenced to 14 days in the cells. Assigned to Mr. Bedwell at paterson on 1st June 1836
Surname: Armstrong (Armsworth)
First Name: Ann
Ship: Kains 1831
Date: 1837
Place: Newcastle
Source: GRC
Details: Tried at Newgate. Assigned to the Gaol at Newcastle
Surname: Armsworth
First Name: Ann
Ship: Kains 1831
Date: 1837 March
Place: Newcastle (jail)
Source: Register Book of Christ Church (Cathedral) Newcastle. Baptisms, Marriages and Burials 1826 to May 1837 p. 24
Details: Burial of Thomas Armsworth, infant son of Ann Armsworth. Died aged 5 months
Surname: Armsworth
First Name: Ann
Ship: Kains 1831
Date: 1836 3 November
Place: Abode: Newcastle jail
Source: Register Book of Christ Church Cathedral, Newcastle. Baptisms p.27
Details: Single woman. Prisoner of the Crown. Baptism of son Thomas Armsworth
Surname: Armsworth
First Name: Ann
Ship: Kains 1831
Date: 1830 27 May
Place: London
Source: The Proceedings of the Old Bailey Online
Details: Indicted for stealing, on 7t May, 1 shawl belonging to Daniel Stubbs. Found guilty and sentenced to transportation for 7 years. Aged 28
Surname: Armsworth
First Name: Ann
Ship: Kains 1831
Date: 1841 9 February
Place: -
Source: Australasian Chronicle
Details: Obtained Certificate of Freedom
Surname: Armsworth
First Name: Ann
Ship: Kains 1831
Date: 1831
Place: -
Source: State Archives NSW. Convict Indents. microfiche 678
Details: Age 28. Single woman with one child. Native place London. Occupation house maid and plain cook. Tried at Newgate 27 May 1830 and sentenced to 7 years transportation for stealing shawl. Assigned to Thomas Ryan on arrival. Sentenced to 12 months in Newcastle gaol and 25 days in the cells by the Paterson Bench for assault and destroying property 5th July 1836.
Surname: Armsworth
First Name: Ann
Ship: Kains 1831
Date: 1831
Place: Parramatta
Source: Index Female Factory Parramatta. State Library NSW
Details: Nancy, daughter of Ann Armsworth admitted to the orphan school
Surname: Armsworth
First Name: Hannah
Ship: Kains 1831
Date: 3 May 1836
Place: Singleton
Source: Singleton Court of Petty Sessions. Register of Convicts. Ancestry
Details: Assigned to Mr. Dangar. Sentenced to 4 days in the cells and to be returned to government service for refusing to work
Surname: Bulpin
First Name: Sarah
Ship: Kains 1831
Date: 1831-32
Place: -
Source: Settler and Convict Lists 1787-1834. Ancestry
Details: Age 22. Assigned to Percy Simpson
Surname: Bulpin
First Name: Sarah
Ship: Kains 1831
Date: 1831
Place: -
Source: State Archives NSW. Convict Indents. Microfiche 678
Details: Age 22. Married. Nursemaid from Taunton. Tried 30 March 1830 and sentenced to 14 years transportation for receiving stolen goods. Assigned to Percy Simpson on arrival. Note - brothers in law Thomas Ryce and John Bryant
Surname: Craggs (Craig) (alias Beacher)
First Name: Jane
Ship: Kains 1831
Date: 1831
Place: -
Source: State Archives NSW. Convict Indents. microfiche 678
Details: Age 24. Married, Native of Durham. Occupation allwork in a public house. Tried at Newcastle 14 January 1830 and sentenced to 14 years transportation for pledging cloth. Assigned to William Ogilvie on arrival.
Surname: Craggs (Craig) (Beacher)
First Name: Jane
Ship: Kains 1831
Date: 28 January 1830
Place: Newcastle UK
Source: Local records By John Sykes, John Sykes (of Newcastle-upon-Tyne.)
Details: Between ten and eleven oclock at night a most destructive fire broke out in the extensive coach-manufactory of Mr. J. L. Angas, in Angas Court, Bigg Market, Newcastle, which entirely destroyed the same, with the greatest part of the contents even before the fire engines could arrive. The fire, which was first seen to issue from above Mr. Angas counting-house, was not got under till near four oclock on the following morning (Friday). The fire soon extended to the houses in the court on the side of St. John s Lane, and three of them to the bare walls were destroyed, and also several workshops in the Fighting Cocks yard on the opposite side of the court. The immense floor-cloth manufactory of Mr. Hardcastle, which towered above the houses on the west side of St. Johns Lane, also soon caught fire in the roof........ A conflagration so direful in its consequences, had, it was supposed, never before occurred in Newcastle. The lofty and beautiful steeple of St. Nicholas church being illuminated by the flames, had a most enchanting appearance. There was a subscription for the poor sufferers by this fire. As there had been such dreadful plundering during this calamity, the houses of various suspicious characters were afterwards searched, and several of the purloined goods were found. At the Spring Assizes, in March, Elizabeth Smith, aged 29 years, Jane Craggs, and Richard Beecher, aged 21 years, were each sentenced to be transported for 14 years, for stealing bedding, clothes, &c., at this fire.
Surname: Craggs (Craig) (Bucher) (Beecher)
First Name: Jane
Ship: Kains 1831
Date: 1837 12 April
Place: Port Stephens
Source: GG
Details: Granted Ticket of Leave
Surname: Craig (Beecher) (Beacher)
First Name: Jane
Ship: Kains 1831
Date: 1 April 1840
Place: Newcastle gaol
Source: State Archives NSW; Gaol Entrance Book, Item: 2/2020; Roll: 757
Details: Admitted to Newcastle gaol on a charge of possessing stolen property. Remanded
Surname: Craig (Beecher) (Beacher)
First Name: Jane
Ship: Kains 1831
Date: 26 May 1840
Place: Newcastle gaol
Source: Newcastle Gaol Entrance Book. State Archives NSW. Roll 136
Details: Housemaid from Durham. Ticket of leave holder. Admitted to Newcastle gaol from Newcastle. To be confined for 2 months. Discharged to her husband
Surname: Ellis
First Name: Mary
Ship: Kains 1831
Date: 1831 27 August
Place: Newcastle
Source: Application to marry
Details: Bond. Application to marry John Jones
Surname: Ellis
First Name: Mary
Ship: Kains 1831
Date: 1831-32
Place: -
Source: Settler and Convict Lists 1787-1834. Ancestry
Details: Mary Ellis aged 37 assigned to William Dumaresq
Surname: Ellis
First Name: Mary
Ship: Kains 1831
Date: 1831
Place: -
Source: State Archives NSW. Convict Indents. Microfiche 678
Details: Age 27. Native place Northampton. Widow. Occupation cook and housemaid. Tried in London 15 April 1830 and sentenced to 7 years transportation for stealing a bag. Assigned to William Dumaresq on arrival.