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Surname: Cook
First Name: Captain James
Ship: Endeavour 1770
Date: Thursday 10 May 1770
Place: Off the coast of NSW
Source: An Account of the Voyages Undertaken by the Order of His Present Majesty for making Discoveries in the Southern Hemisphere, Drawn from the Journals of John Samuel Wallis, John Byron, Philip Carteret, James Cook, Joseph Banks by John Hawkesworth, p508. Internet Archive
Details: 10 May 1770 - Captain James Cook......The wind continuing northerly, till the morning of the 10th we continued to stand in and off the shore, with very little change of situation in other respects. But a gale then springing up at S.W. we made the best of our way along the shore to the northward. At sun rise, our latitude was 33, 2S, and the variation 8 E. At nine in the forenoon, we passed a remarkable hill, which stood a little way inland, and somewhat resembled the crown of a hat, and at noon, our latitude, by observation, was 32 53 S and our longitude 208 W. We were about two leagues distant from the land which extended from N. 41 E to S 41 W and a small round rock or island, which lay close under the land, bore S. 82 W distant between three and four leagues. At four in the afternoon, we passed at the distance of about a mile, a low rocky point, which I called Point Stephens, on the north side of which is an inlet, which I called Port Stephens. This inlet appeared to me, from the mast head, to be sheltered from all winds.. At the entrance are three small islands, two of which are high, and on the main near the shore are some high round hills, which at a distance appear like islands......