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Surname: -
First Name: -
Ship: Clydesdale 1822
Date: 8 November 1822
Place: Port Jackson
Source: Sydney Gazette
Details: Arrived, on Sunday forenoon last, from England, via Hobart Town, the ship Clydesdale, Captain Mackellar. She sailed from Liverpool the 26th June, and brings a choice and valuable investment. Passengers for England and Hobart Mr. and Mrs. Aspinall, Mr. Thompson, Mr. Browne, and the Rev. Mr. Erskine of the Wesleyan Mission
Surname: King
First Name: James
Ship: Clydesdale 1822
Date: 1828
Place: Patrick Plains
Source: 1828 Census
Details: Came Free. Superintendent aged 28 employed by P. McIntyre
Surname: Vivers
First Name: William
Ship: Clydesdale 1822
Date: 1822 19 October
Place: Hobart
Source: Hobart Town Gazette
Details: Passenger on the 'Clydesdale' from England having departed 27th June. To sail for Port Jackson in a day or two
Surname: Vivers
First Name: William
Ship: Clydesdale 1822
Date: 1825
Place: Newcastle
Source: New South Wales and Tasmania, Australia Convict Musters. Class: HO 10; Piece: 20
Details: Employed by William Powditch in the district of Newcastle