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Convict and Colonial History

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Surname: Campbell
First Name: Francis, Archibald, Hugh, Eliza, Agnes, Selina
Ship: Christina 1839
Date: 28 Septembere 1839
Place: Port Jackson
Source: Sydney Gazette
Details: Arrival - from London, whence she sailed the 13th June, the barque Christina, 298 tons, Captain T. G. Birkett, with merchandise. Passengers, Captain W. C. Symonds, Mr. Roberts, Mr. James S. Andrews, Mr. Hurrell, Dr. Campbell, Mrs. Campbell, Mr. Francis Archibald and Hugh Campbell, Misses Eliza, Agnes and Selina Campbell

Surname: Didsbury
First Name: Mr.
Ship: Christina 1839
Date: 1839 1 October
Place: Sydney
Source: SG
Details: Mr. Didsbury and 4 children departed for New Zealand on the brig Christina