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Surname: -
First Name: -
Ship: Andromeda 1823
Date: 1823 29 May
Place: Hobart
Source: SG
Details: Arrival in Hobart of the vessel Andromeda, Capt. Muddle from Scotland and Falmouth. Departed England 10th December
Surname: -
First Name: -
Ship: Andromeda 1823
Date: 10 May 1823
Place: Hobart
Source: Hobart Town Gazette
Details: Passengers arriving in Hobart on the Andromeda included Benjamin Horne and family; L.M. Gillas, John Leake and family, James Ranken, Dr. A.J. Ross, W. Holdship, W. Holdship junior, Miss Holdship, Charles Bell, Henry Briggs, Alexander McCrae, Christopher McCrae, Patrick Broadfoot, H.N. Murray, John Scott, W.C. Burns, George Falconer, George Eagle and family, Mr. and Mrs. Gardner, H. Robertson and family, Laurance Whittal, John Martin, Robert Forster, Rev Lang and others went on to Sydney. Total passengers on the Andromeda 67
Surname: -
First Name: -
Ship: Andromeda 1823
Date: 28 August 1823
Place: Sydney
Source: SG
Details: To the Editor of the Sydney Gazette. SIR, Having seen in your Paper, of the 21st instant, a communication signed JOHN D. LANG respecting what he is pleased to term the very strange statements relative to myself, which appeared in your Gazette of the 7th and 14th instant, I can only say, that however strange the same. may appear, they are not the less true. As to his sending home, for publication, Extracts from his Journal, I dare say they will draw down the commiseration of his cousins, and put them on their guard how they trust their lives and fortunes to such a monster as he will doubtless represent me ; for my own part, I feel perfectly easy as to their effect in regard to myself, my character stands upon too firm a ground with those whose good opinion I value, to be in any degree influenced by the splenetic rodomontades of the Rev. Gentleman. I only hope the Editors of the Prints, through which he intends launching forth his anathemas, will gratify his vanity by giving his lucubrations a conspicuous corner in their respective Papers. I am very sorry at having, in a moment of irritation occasioned by the mutinous conduct of one of my crew, and the impudent, to use J. D. L s. favourite expression, behaviour of several of my passengers, put J. D. L. in the dreadful fright he alludes to; had I been aware that the Terrors of the grammar school were so fresh in his memory, I would have been more cautious in my expression. The extract signed JOHN D. LANG, is certainly very pretty, and will shew the Public the anxious solicitude that Gentleman evinced for his fellow passengers. It may appear presumption in me to offer advice to J. D. L. but I cannot close this without strongly recommending to his most serious attention, the 9th verse of the 5th chap, of St. Matthew : Blessed are the peace-makers ; for they shall be called the children of God. I am, Sir, your most obedient Servant. JAMES MUDDLE, Master of the Ship Andromeda
Surname: Hewitt
First Name: Henry
Ship: Andromeda 1823
Date: 1828
Place: Patrick Plains
Source: 1828 Census
Details: Aged 26 in 1828. Landholder. Came free
Surname: Hewitt
First Name: Henry
Ship: Andromeda 1823
Date: -
Place: Wallis Plains & Wollombi & Broke & Singleton
Source: Singleton Pioneer Register p. 45
Details: Born 1802 London. Spouse 1 Sophia Markwell. Spouse 2 Margaretta Fisher. See Pioneer Register for details of descendants
Surname: Hudson
First Name: Beresford
Ship: Andromeda 1823
Date: 1828
Place: Newcastle
Source: 1828 Census
Details: Aged 28. Clerk at Commissiariat. Came Free
Surname: Lang
First Name: Rev. Dr. John Dunmore
Ship: Andromeda 1823
Date: 1823 29 May
Place: -
Source: SG
Details: Arrived in Hobart on Andromeda then to Sydney on the Brixton. Arrived in the colony to form presbyterian Church in Sydney
Surname: Lang
First Name: Rev. John Dunmore Lang
Ship: Andromeda 1823
Date: 21 August 1823
Place: Sydney
Source: SG
Details: To the Editor of the Sydney Gazelle. SIR, I beg leave, through the medium of your Paper, to inform those who may feel interested in the subject, that, in consequence of the very strange statements that have appeared in your two List Numbers respecting Captain Muddle, of the ship Andromeda, I have written for publication, in London and Edinburgh, copies of the following papers : First, A Letter addressed to Captain M. of the ship Andromeda, by six of his cabin-passengers at sea, remonstrating with him on his impudence to threatening to flog his passengers. Second,- An Extract from a private Journal kept on board the ship Andromeda during her voyage from Leith to Van Diemens Land, relative to the conduct of Captain M. on the night in which that vessel crossed the line. Third,-An Extract of a Letter addressed to Captain M. of the ship Andromeda, by one of his passengers, of date, Rio de Janiero, 31st January, 1823, of which letter the following is also an extract : Allow me to add, that your conduct that, on several occasions since our leaving Falmouth, been so totally inconsistent with propriety, and of a character so menacing and dangerous, that for my own part and a considerable number of the passengers, as they have personally assured me, are ready to declare, upon oath, if called on, that we do not consider our lives in safety in prosecuting the voyage under your command, unless, in the mean time, you evince a sincere determination to adopt a totally different line of conduct from that which you have hitherto pursued. I trust, therefore, that a due regard to your own character, and for the happiness and comfort of all on board, will induce you to entertain very different sentiments from those on which you have acted for some time past, and to adopt a course of procedure more consistent with the character of a man of honour, and not calculated to destroy the happiness of those who entrusted their lives and fortunes under your charge. You are well aware, that, under the influence of these violent passions which you have repeatedly displayed, a man may be guilty of actions which shall cost him along life-time of bitter remorse. (signed) JOHN D. LANG. have only to add, that if Captain M. had had the prudence to preserve his incognito in Sydney, he would have saved himself and, exposure at home. I am, Sir, your most obedient Servant, J.D.L, A Passenger by the Andromeda.
Surname: Larnach
First Name: John
Ship: Andromeda 1823
Date: 7 August 1823
Place: Sydney
Source: Sydney Gazette
Details: John Larnach passenger on the Andromeda from England via Rio and Hobart
Surname: Larnach
First Name: John
Ship: Andromeda 1823
Date: 1840 November
Place: Branxton
Source: An Organised Banditti, p.84
Details: Encountered the Jewboy gang near Branxton
Surname: Larnach
First Name: John
Ship: Andromeda 1823
Date: -
Place: Rosemount
Source: Singleton Pioneer Register p. 55
Details: Born 1805 in Caithness, Scotland, son of William Larnach and Margaret Smith. Spouse Emily Mudie. Died 10 February 1869. 'After his death, Emily moved to Melbourne'. See Pioneer Register for details of descendants
Surname: Larnach
First Name: John
Ship: Andromeda 1823
Date: 1825
Place: Newcastle district
Source: New South Wales and Tasmania, Australia Convict Musters. Class: HO 10; Piece: 19
Details: Born c. 1803. Came Free. Overseer to James Bowman in the district of Newcastle
Surname: Leak
First Name: -
Ship: Andromeda 1823
Date: 12 July 1823
Place: -
Source: Hobart Town Gazette
Details: Leak v. Muddle. The Plaintiff is a gentleman of respectability, who embarked with his family in the ship Andromeda for this Colony; the Defendant is the master of that ship. For the Plaintiff s accommodation and table he paid the sum of 380 pounds; his family consisted, besides himself and his wife, of six children and two servants, the two younger children lived with the Plaintiff in the cabin, the other four with the servants in the steerage. The Plaintiff sought to recover from the Defendant some compensation for a breach of covenant, and maltreatment on board, during the passage out. On the trial it appeared there existed great differences between the passengers, which commenced shortly after they left England, to their arrival here; so as to render it necessary to make a division at the table during mealtimes, that the parties should not sit together ;one party sat at the upper end of the table with the Captain, the other end was occupied by the Plaintiff and the other party. The evidence during this trial was, as may be naturally expected from such circumstances, most conflicting and contradictory in many points; still, upon the whole, the greater part of the complaint was amply established. The Defendant s conduct, and that of his steward, were unaccommodating, rude, and overbearing in several instances; and the Defendant, at his table, made invidious distinctions, particularly in not offering fruit, etc., to be participated by the Plaintiff and family at his end of the table, though he paid full as much as any other passenger on board. The Deputy Judge Advocate animadverted in suitable terms for such partial and general ill behaviour of the Defendant towards those who were placed under his protection and care; and that, instead of treating the Plaintiff and his family with the kindness they had a right to expect, he chose to adopt a very different line of conduct. To make invidious distinction at his own table, and in his general demeanour towards the Plaintiff to hurt and wound his feelings was not to be tolerated from any one ;but, as pecuniary damages were not so much the avowed object of the Plaintiff, as an exposure of the treatment he had undeservedly received, the Judge Advocate trusted the Court would only give such reasonable and dispassionate damages as would meet the justice of the case, and serve as a warning to others. The verdict itself, he thought too, would be a much severer rebuke to the Defendant, as far as respected his character as master of a ship, than any pecuniary damages this Court could award. Verdict for Plaintiff- Damages 25 pounds
Surname: McClymont
First Name: James
Ship: Andromeda 1823
Date: 1828
Place: Newcastle
Source: 1828 Census
Details: Came Free. Publican aged 30 in 1828
Surname: McClymont
First Name: James
Ship: Andromeda 1823
Date: 1823 4 September
Place: Newcastle
Source: CSI
Details: Came Free. Request for permisson to visit Newcastle
Surname: McClymont
First Name: James
Ship: Andromeda 1823
Date: -
Place: -
Source: Maitland Family History Circle's Pre 1900 Pioneer Register
Details: Born 1799 Scotland. Spouse Nancy Ralston. For more information see Pioneer Register Entry No. 871
Surname: McClymont
First Name: Nancy
Ship: Andromeda 1823
Date: 1828
Place: Newcastle
Source: 1828 Census
Details: Came Free. Aged 26 in 1828
Surname: McClymont (Carmichael)
First Name: Nancy
Ship: Andromeda 1823
Date: -
Place: -
Source: Maitland Family History Circle's Pre 1900 Pioneer Register
Details: Daughter of Gavin Ralston. Spouse 1 James McClymont; Spouse 2 Henry Carmichael. For more information see Pioneer Register Entry No. 194
Surname: Newton
First Name: Jacob
Ship: Andromeda 1823
Date: 1828
Place: Newton, Hunter River
Source: 1828 Census
Details: Came Free. Aged 25 in 1828
Surname: Newton
First Name: Jacob
Ship: Andromeda 1823
Date: 1823
Place: Hunter River
Source: CSI
Details: Memorial for land on Hunter River