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Surname: Franks
First Name: John
Ship: Washington Irving 1857
Date: September 1857
Place: Port Jackson
Source: New South Wales, Australia, Assisted Immigrant Passenger Lists, 1828-1896
Details: John Franks, farm labourer age 18, from Somerset, son of James and Sarah. Assisted immigrant by the ship Washington Irving. Note - an uncle, John Kelly residing at Murrurundi
Surname: Fuller
First Name: James and Mary
Ship: Washington Irving 1857
Date: September 1857
Place: Port Jackson
Source: New South Wales, Australia, Assisted Immigrant Passenger Lists, 1828-1896
Details: James Fuller, bricklayer age 33 from Suffolk; Mary age 41, wife from Norfolk; assisted immigrants by the ship Washington Irving. Note - a brother, Thomas Fuller residing at Lochinvar, Hunter River; a daughter Mary, Alice Payne residing at Moreton Bay; also on board children of Mary Fuller, Louisa Warren, Mary Warren and Joseph Warren
Surname: Pearson
First Name: Isaac
Ship: Washington Irving 1857
Date: September 1857
Place: Port Jackson
Source: New South Wales, Australia, Assisted Immigrant Passenger Lists, 1828-1896
Details: Isaac Pearson, farm labourer age 18 from Tunbridge Wells, Kent. Assisted immigrant by the ship Washington Irving. Note - an uncle George Gurnett residing at West Maitland
Surname: Perkins
First Name: Joshua and Susannah
Ship: Washington Irving 1857
Date: September 1857
Place: Port Jackson
Source: New South Wales, Australia, Assisted Immigrant Passenger Lists, 1828-1896
Details: Joshua Perkins, farm labourer age 29 from Cambridge; Susannah age 32, wife; assisted immigrants by the ship Washington Irving. Note - a sister Anne Mather residing at Mr. Barlow s at Hunter River
Surname: Stanbridge
First Name: James
Ship: Washington Irving 1857
Date: September 1857
Place: Port Jackson
Source: New South Wales, Australia, Assisted Immigrant Passenger Lists, 1828-1896
Details: James Stanbridge, farm labourer age 18 from Kent, son of Thomas and Susan. Assisted immigrant by the ship Washington Irving. Note - a cousin, William Stanbridge residing at Horseshoe Bend, West Maitland
Surname: Taylor
First Name: Charles, Sarah, Mary Ann
Ship: Washington Irving 1857
Date: September 1857
Place: Port Jackson
Source: New South Wales, Australia, Assisted Immigrant Passenger Lists, 1828-1896
Details: Charles Taylor, farm labourer age 26 from Suffolk; Sarah, wife, age 27 from Cambridge; Mary Ann age 3. Assisted immigrants by the ship Washington Irving. Note - a cousin James Neal residing at Millers Forest, Raymond Terrace