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Surname: -
First Name: -
Ship: Plantagenet 1857
Date: 14 February 1857
Place: Sydney
Source: Empire
Details: Shipping arrivals - February 13, Plantagenet, ship, 805 tons, Captain Hatfield from Plymouth October 13th, with 331 Government emigrants.
Surname: -
First Name: -
Ship: Plantagenet 1857
Date: 14 February 1857
Place: Sydney
Source: Empire
Details: The Plantagenet left Plymouth on the 13th October and did not cross the equator until 55 days from sailing ; she experienced none of the north-east trades, but a continuation of south and south-east winds, and lost two jibbooms. She reports rounding the land of Tasmania 55 days after leaving the equator, but since then has had light winds and calms. The Plantagenet brings 331 emigrants, under the superintendence of Dr. Robertson ; they consist of 52 married couples, 77 single men, 52 single women, and 98 children. Six births and 4 deaths occurred on the passage, but no deaths from any contagious disease
Surname: Bartlett
First Name: George
Ship: Plantagenet 1857
Date: February 1857
Place: Port Jackson
Source: New South Wales, Australia, Assisted Immigrant Passenger Lists, 1828-1896
Details: George Bartlett, farm labourer age 19 from Somersetshire, son of Robert and Hannah. Assisted immigrant by the ship Plantagenet. Note - an uncle, Edward Partridge residing at Hinton
Surname: Priddle
First Name: Samuel and Emma
Ship: Plantagenet 1857
Date: February 1857
Place: Port Jackson
Source: New South Wales, Australia, Assisted Immigrant Passenger Lists, 1828-1896
Details: Samuel Priddle, sawyer age 20, son of Samuel and Betsey; Emma age 21 daughter of John and Eliza. Assisted immigrants on the ship Plantagenet. Note - an uncle, Charles Mounter residing at Hexham