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Surname: -
First Name: -
Ship: David McIver 1856
Date: 23 February 1856
Place: Port Jackson
Source: Sydney Morning Herald
Details: Arrival - February 22, David McIver, ship, 850 tons, Captain Baillie, from Liverpool 22nd November. Passengers 357 government immigrants
Surname: -
First Name: -
Ship: David McIver 1856
Date: 23 February 1856
Place: Port Jackson
Source: Empire
Details: The David McIver, with her usual ill fortune, is again doomed to ride quarantine, some cases of chicken pox having made their appearance amongst the children. She brings 357 immigrants, consisting of 42 married couples, 139 single women, 85 single men, and 47 children ; 2 deaths and 4 births have occurred
Surname: Barry
First Name: John, Julia, Maria, Catherine, John
Ship: David McIver 1856
Date: 6 March 1856
Place: Maitland
Source: New South Wales, Australia, Immigration Records, 1840-1902
Details: John Barry age 40; Julia age 39; Maria age 14; Catherine 10; John 9; Julia 1; on the list of immigrants from the ship David McIver who were to be forwarded to Maitland on the Illalong steamer
Surname: Kennedy
First Name: Daniel and Bridget
Ship: David McIver 1856
Date: 6 March 1856
Place: Maitland
Source: New South Wales, Australia, Immigration Records, 1840-1902
Details: Daniel Kennedy age 22 and Bridget Kennedy age 20, on list of immigrants from the ship David McIver who were to be forwarded to Maitland on the steamer Illalong
Surname: Lafferty
First Name: Robert
Ship: David McIver 1856
Date: 6 March 1856
Place: Maitland
Source: New South Wales, Australia, Immigration Records, 1840-1902
Details: Robert Laffery age 19, on list of immigrants from the ship David McIver who were to be forwarded to Maitland on the steamer Illalong
Surname: Lehane
First Name: John and Johanna
Ship: David McIver 1856
Date: 6 March 1856
Place: Maitland
Source: New South Wales, Australia, Immigration Records, 1840-1902
Details: John Lehane age 26; Johanna Lehane age 29 on list of immigrants from the ship David McIver who were to be forwarded to Maitland on the steamer Illalong
Surname: Murphy
First Name: Walter, Catherine, Bridgeet
Ship: David McIver 1856
Date: 6 March 1856
Place: Maitland
Source: New South Wales, Australia, Immigration Records, 1840-1902
Details: Walter Murphy age 35, Catherine Murphy age 28 and Bridget Murphy age 5 on list of immigrants on the ship David McIver who were to be forwarded to Maitland on the steamer Illalang
Surname: Noonan
First Name: James and Ellen
Ship: David McIver 1856
Date: 6 March 1856
Place: Maitland
Source: New South Wales, Australia, Immigration Records, 1840-1902
Details: James Noonan age 23 and Ellen Noonan age 20, on the list of immigrants on the ship David McIver to be forwarded to Maitland on the steamer Illalong
Surname: Shanahan
First Name: Richard, Catherine, Mary, John, Bridget, Patrick, Richard
Ship: David McIver 1856
Date: 6 March 1856
Place: Maitland
Source: New South Wales, Australia, Immigration Records, 1840-1902
Details: Richard Shanahan age 44, Catherine age 38, Mary age 18, John age 16, Bridget age 15, Patrick age 13, Richard age 8, on list of immigrants from the ship David McIver who were to be forwarded to Maitland on the steamer Illalong
Surname: Walsh
First Name: John, Mary, Eliza
Ship: David McIver 1856
Date: 6 March 1856
Place: Maitland
Source: New South Wales, Australia, Immigration Records, 1840-1902
Details: John Walsh age 30, Mary age 23, Eliza age 4, Ann age 1, on list of immigrants from the ship David McIver who were to be forwarded to Maitland on the steamer Illlalong