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Convict and Colonial History

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Surname: -
First Name: -
Ship: Beejapore 1857
Date: 21 March 1857
Place: Sydney
Source: Sydney Morning Herald
Details: The Beejapore arrived with Government immigrants, mostly English, consisting of married couples, agricultural labourers and persons married or single belonging to about twenty other occupations. On Thursday the hiring commenced and from their general appearance they are chiefly a well behaved and respectable class of people, well selected and creditable to the surgeon superintendent who appears to have been very attentive to them on their passage

Surname: -
First Name: -
Ship: Beejapore 1857
Date: -
Place: Port Jackson
Source: New South Wales, Australia, Assisted Immigrant Passenger Lists, 1828-1896
Details: Births during the voyage of the Beejapore - male 2; deaths during the voyage male 2, female 4; date of departure 2 December 1856; date of arrival 14 March 1857; number of days on passage 102 days; Master Edward B. Drenning; Surgeon William Johnson Rowland

Surname: Barrett
First Name: Rosetta
Ship: Beejapore 1857
Date: March 1857
Place: Port Jackson
Source: New South Wales, Australia, Assisted Immigrant Passenger Lists, 1828-1896
Details: Rosetta Barrett age 16, general servant, born Sutton Bridge, Lincolnshire, daughter of Samuel and Mary. Immigrant on the ship Beejapore. Note - uncles John and William Canham already in the colony, residing at Maitland

Surname: Canham
First Name: Crome, Anne
Ship: Beejapore 1857
Date: March 1857
Place: Port Jackson
Source: New South Wales, Australia, Assisted Immigrant Passenger Lists, 1828-1896
Details: Crome Canham age 31, ploughman from Beason, Norfolk, son of Nere and Mary, father deceasd, mother living at Sutton Bridge Lincolnshire; Anne Canham age 19, house servant born Sutton Bridge, Lincolnshire, daughter of Richard and Anne. Immigrants on the ship Beejapore. - Note - brothers William and John Canham already in the colony, residing at East Maitland; brother Nere Canham and family also on board the Beejapore

Surname: Canham
First Name: Nere, Mary Ann, Hannah, Eliza
Ship: Beejapore 1857
Date: March 1857
Place: Port Jackson
Source: New South Wales, Australia, Assisted Immigrant Passenger Lists, 1828-1896
Details: Nere Canham age 31, farm labourer (ploughman) from Beason Norfolk, son of Nere and Mary; Mary Ann age 23, house servant from Lincolnshire, daughter of John and Louisa; Hannah age 3, born Sutton Bridge Lincolnshire; Eliza, infant, immigrants on the ship Beejapore. Note - brother Crome Canham and family on board the Beejapore; and two brothers William and John Canham already in the colony, residing at East Maitland

Surname: Caplin (also Casslin)
First Name: John
Ship: Beejapore 1857
Date: March 1857
Place: Port Jackson
Source: New South Wales, Australia, Assisted Immigrant Passenger Lists, 1828-1896
Details: John Caplin, age 35, excavator, native place Bletchley, Buckinghamshire, son of George and Anne. Immigrant on the Beejapore. Note - an uncle, John Miller, already in the colony, residing at Morpeth

Surname: Greckson (?Gregson)
First Name: Joseph and Anne
Ship: Beejapore 1857
Date: March 1857
Place: Port Jackson
Source: New South Wales, Australia, Assisted Immigrant Passenger Lists, 1828-1896
Details: Joseph Greckson age 33, farm labourer from Lincolnshire, son of George and Rebecca, both deceased; Anne, age 35 farm servant born Beason, Norfolk, daughter of Nere and Mary. Immigrants on the ship Beejapore. Note - two brothers of Anne, John and William Canham residing at West Maitland

Surname: Hinchcliffe
First Name: Amos
Ship: Beejapore 1857
Date: March 1857
Place: Port Jackson
Source: New South Wales, Australia, Assisted Immigrant Passenger Lists, 1828-1896
Details: Amos Hinchcliffe, age 23, shepherd from Yorkshire, son of Amos and Jane. Assisted immigrant on the Beejapore. Note - a brother Edwin Hinchcliffe already in the colony, residing at West Maitland

Surname: Lennard
First Name: John, Mary, Maria, John, Emily
Ship: Beejapore 1857
Date: March 1857
Place: Port Jackson
Source: State Archives and Records Authority of New South Wales; Kingswood New South Wales, Australia; Persons on Bounty Ships to Sydney, Newcastle, and Moreton Bay (Board Immigrant Lists); Series: 5317; Reel: 2475
Details: John Lennard age 47, farm labourer from Suffolk, son of James and Elizabeth; Mary age 45, farm servant from Suffolk, daughter of John and Amy; Maria age 25; John age 14; Emily age 8; Immigrants on the ship Beejapore. Note - a son George already in the colony, arrived per Ellensborough, residing in the Hunter River area

Surname: Leonard (Lennard)
First Name: Maria
Ship: Beejapore 1857
Date: 5 March 1860
Place: Maitland gaol
Source: New South Wales, Australia, Gaol Description and Entrance Books, 1818-1930
Details: Maria Leonard, servant from Cambridgeshire. Admitted to Maitland gaol from West Maitland. Sentenced to 2 months imprisonment

Surname: Munro
First Name: John, Mary, Anne, Isabella, Robert
Ship: Beejapore 1857
Date: March 1857
Place: Port Jackson
Source: New South Wales, Australia, Assisted Immigrant Passenger Lists, 1828-1896
Details: John Munro age 43, farm labourer and sawyer from Rosshire, son of John and Anne; Mary age 44, house servant, daughter of Robert and Isabella; Anne age 7; Isabella age 3; Robert, infant. Immigrants on the Beejapore. Note - a cousin James Munro already in the colony residing at Singleton, Hunter River