Search Result
Surname: Doyle
First Name: Rose
Ship: Bee 1856
Date: 22 January 1856
Place: Maitland
Source: New South Wales, Australia, Immigration Records, 1840-1902
Details: Rose Doyle, 18, immigrant on the ship Bee, to be forwarded to Maitland on the steamer Thistle
Surname: Gorman
First Name: John, Judy, Mary, Anne, Bridget
Ship: Bee 1856
Date: 13 February 1856
Place: Maitland
Source: Ancestry. NSW State Archives Collection, Museums of History NSW. New South Wales, Australia, Immigration Records, 1840-1902
Details: John Gorman age 39, Judy Gorman age 35, Mary age 11, Anne, age 8, Bridgt age 2, on list of immigrants from the ship Bee forwarded to Maitland on the steamer Thistle
Surname: Macdonald (McDonald)
First Name: Ellen
Ship: Bee 1856
Date: 1856 13 August
Place: Maitland Quarter Sessions
Source: SMH
Details: Sentenced to two years imprisonment in Parramatta gaol for unlawfully attempting to conceal the birth of her child by burying in at Newcastle. A recent immigrant by the vessel Bee
Surname: Somerville
First Name: George
Ship: The Bee 1856
Date: -
Place: -
Source: Maitland Family History Circle's Pre 1900 Pioneer Register
Details: Born 1789 Co. Tyrone Ireland. Spouse Rebecca Clark. For information about descendants see Pioneer Register Entry No . 1393