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Surname: -
First Name: -
Ship: Anglia 1855
Date: 3 September 1855
Place: for Newcastle
Source: The Shipping Gazette
Details: Railway labourers for NSW - The ship Anglia was appointed to sail on the 5th June from Gravesend having on board a large body of labourers going out to Newcastle under engagement to the Sydney and Newcastle Railway Company. These labourers, with their families will amount to 209 statute adults

Surname: -
First Name: -
Ship: Anglia 1855
Date: 1 October 1855
Place: Newcastle
Source: The Shipping Gazette
Details: Arrivals - Newcastle September 24 - Anglia, barque, 596 tons, Captain W. M. Ball, from London with immigrants (Surgeon Edgar Henry Longstaff)

Surname: -
First Name: -
Ship: Anglia 1855
Date: 3 October 1855
Place: Newcastle
Source: Empire
Details: With regard to other local matters, we are in about the same condition as noticed in my last - nothing of general interest transpiring, with the exception, perhaps of the position the unfortunate emigrants are in on board the Anglia, and among whom considerable dis- satisfaction is manifested at their being kept on board like so many prisoners. On Sunday rumours were afloat of serious disturbance on board, for which there was some foundation, as it appears several parties came a long way down the country to see their friends, one having a sister another a brother on board, all of whom were refused; and the others denied the liberty of coming on shore to greet each other after a long separation and a tedious voyage. The ship has now been in port a week, and on her arrival orders were sent on board for the captain to go on to Sydney, which it appears he refused to do; the consequence is great dissatisfaction and uncertainty prevails on all sides as to the ultimate disposition of the people now they are here, especially among those who came out for the purposes of the railway, and now find themselves repudiated at the port of their expected destination.

Surname: -
First Name: -
Ship: Anglia 1855
Date: 8 October 1855
Place: Newcastle
Source: SMH
Details: THE IMMIGRANTS PER ANGLIA -Up to Saturday last, the barque Anglia had been lying at Newcastle for eleven days, and no instructions had been sent to either the captain or agents as to the course they were to pursue. The immigrants are railway labourers. They were sent out to the railway company, but asthe company no longer exists, of course they fall upon the Government. In a few days the ship will lie upon demurrage, and the expenses be increased. There is neglect somewhere. Is red-tapism to blame, or the Emigration Board

Surname: Austin
First Name: Henry
Ship: Anglia 1855
Date: 5 February 1861
Place: Maitland gaol
Source: New South Wales, Australia, Gaol Description and Entrance Books, 1818-1930
Details: Henry Austin, labourer from Cambridgeshire. Admitted to Maitland gaol from Newcastle. Sentenced to 1 month imprisonment and 6 months imprisonment in default of bail