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Ship: Alfred 1858
Date: 21 June 1858
Place: London
Source: The Shipping Gazette 27 September 1858 from the Liverpool Albion
Details: Australian Emigration. The ship Alfred, chartered by her Majestys Emigration Commissioners left the river on Thursday last with a full complement of passengers, amounting in all to 484 for Moreton Bay. She carried out one of Dr. Normandy s apparatus for filtering fresh water from sea water, and is also fitted up with hammocks and canvas bottomed berths, the latter for the female portion of the passengers, instead of the usual wooden berths, it having been ascertained that the former are more clean and Healthy than the latter
Surname: Greedy (Gready)
First Name: John and Eliza
Ship: Alfred 1858
Date: September 1858
Place: Port Jackson
Source: New South Wales, Australia, Assisted Immigrant Passenger Lists, 1828-1896
Details: John Gready, labourer age 23 from Somerset; Eliza age 23. Assistant immigrants on the ship Alfred. Note - parents of John on board and some of his brothers and sisters resided at Maitland
Surname: Greedy (Gready)
First Name: John, Mary, Sarah, Jane, Thomas, William
Ship: Alfred 1858
Date: September 1858
Place: Port Jackson
Source: New South Wales, Australia, Assisted Immigrant Passenger Lists, 1828-1896
Details: John Gready, age 47. Native place Somerset. Son of Joseph and Anne; Mary age 49; Sarah age 19; Jane age 14; Thomas age 11; William age 9. Assistant immigrants on the ship Alfred. Note - sons and daughters of John and Mary residing at Maitland