Search Result
Surname: Hart
First Name: John
Ship: Marquis of Huntley 1830
Date: 1833 November
Place: Patrick Plains
Source: R v Hitchcock - SC
Details: Assigned to Mr. Larnach 1830
Surname: Hart
First Name: John
Ship: Marquis of Huntley 1830
Date: 1837
Place: Patrick Plains
Source: GRC
Details: Assigned to John Larnach
Surname: Hart
First Name: John
Ship: Marquis of Huntley 1830
Date: 1836 15 October
Place: Patrick Plains
Source: SG
Details: Obtained ticket of leave
Surname: Hart
First Name: John
Ship: Marquis of Huntley 1830
Date: November 1833
Place: -
Source: History of the Colonies
Details: Witness at the trial of Hitchcock and other Castle Forbes prisoners - John Hart, being sworn, said I am an assigned servant to Mr. Larnach, at Castle Forbes. I saw all the prisoners at the bar at Castle Forbes on the 5th November last. They rushed into the house, and took three guns out of it. I did not see them charged the last time, but I have on former occasions seen them loaded with small bird shot. I never saw them charged with buck shot. I heard Riley say to Mrs. Larnach, they were going down the river to settle her husband. Neither of the other prisoners were present at the time. I heard one of the party say they would bring in Larnach s head, and stick it on a chimney. They were three quarters of an hour on the premises, and when they went away they locked up every one in a store. In about twenty minutes after they had gone, I heard the report of a gun. It appeared to be at some distance. Cross-examined by Mr. Nichols heard only one gun, does not know in what direction, does not know whether the guns were loaded when taken by the prisoners
Surname: Hart
First Name: John
Ship: Marquis of Huntley 1830
Date: 1834 28 June
Place: Glendon
Source: Maitland Marriage Register p. 103
Details: Marriage of John Hart aged 25 to Mary Smith aged 19, both from Darlington. Witnesses Charles Forbes and James Glennie
Surname: Hart
First Name: John
Ship: Marquis of Huntley 1830
Date: 1834
Place: Maitland
Source: Applicaion to Marry
Details: John Hart per Marquis of Huntley application to marry Mary Smith per Pyramus
Surname: Hart
First Name: John
Ship: Marquis of Huntley 1830
Date: 1830
Place: -
Source: Convict Indents. State Archives NSW; Series: NRS 12188; Item: [4/4015]; Microfiche: 676
Details: John Hart age 22. Brass founder from Birmingham. Tried at Warwick 11 January 1830. Sentenced to 14 years transportation for stealing money. Assigned to Dept. Public Works on arrival