Search Result
Surname: Bowen
First Name: Edward
Ship: John 1827
Date: 1831 12 January
Place: Liverpool Plains
Source: R v Bowen, Westbury, Mason, Duffy, Browne, Donnell
Details: Indicted for stealing from the house of John Rotten. Sentenced to death
Surname: Bowen
First Name: Edward
Ship: John 1827
Date: 1831 11 January
Place: Liverpool Plains
Source: SG
Details: Accused of robbing John Rotton and Hugh Cameron. Arrested by Sargeant Quigley. Found guilty and sentenced to death
Surname: Bowen
First Name: Edward
Ship: John 1827
Date: 1829 1 September
Place: Port Stephens
Source: SG
Details: With John Eckersley found not guilty of burglariously entering a house belonging to A.A. company
Surname: Bowen
First Name: Edward
Ship: John 1827
Date: 1829 1 October
Place: Port Stephens
Source: SG
Details: Absconded from A. A. Company. Aged 24. Farmer's servant from Heredfordshire; 5' 3 1/2"; grey eyes; black hair, sallow pockpitted complexion
Surname: Bowen
First Name: Edward
Ship: John 1827
Date: 25 November 1827....
Place: -
Source: AO NSW Convict Indent Fiche No. 668
Details: Age 22. Farm servant from Hereford. Tried at Shrewsbury 22 March 1827 and sentenced to transportation for Life for house breaking. Assigned to the Australian Agricultural Company on arrival
Surname: Bowen
First Name: Edward
Ship: John 1827
Date: 5 May 1827
Place: Justitia Hulk
Source: UK Prison Hulk Registers and Letter Books. Ancestry
Details: Age 21. Tried at Shrewsbury Assizes on 22 March 1827 and sentenced to transportation for life for housebreaking. Admitted to the hulk Justitia on 5 May 1827 and transferred to the convict ship John on 5th July for transportation to New South Wales
Surname: Bowen
First Name: Edward
Ship: John 1827
Date: 1 May 1828
Place: Sydney Gaol
Source: Sydney Gaol Entrance Book. State Archives NSW; Roll: 851 Ancestry
Details: Edward Bowen and Thomas Browne admitted to Sydney gaol from Port Stephens for house robbery. Ordered to be returned to Port Stephens to be dealt with by the Magistrates. Sent 19th February 1829