Search Result
Surname: Beveridge
First Name: Adam
Ship: Amity 1824
Date: 1824
Place: -
Source: CSI
Details: Came free per Amity
Surname: Greig
First Name: James
Ship: Amity 1824
Date: 1825 13 December
Place: Newcastle
Source: CSI
Details: Came free. To be victualled from the Store at Newcastle for 6mths
Surname: Greig
First Name: James
Ship: Amity 1824
Date: 1824 3 June
Place: Port Jackson
Source: SG
Details: Passenger on the Amity from Greenock via Hobart.
Surname: Greig
First Name: James
Ship: Amity 1824
Date: -
Place: Hunter River
Source: Dawn in the Valley p. 67
Details: Possessed over 2000 pounds of capital. Eventually settled below the junction of the Hunter and Goulburn Rivers on a stream that was called Greig's Creek better known as Martindale or Bureen Creek. Called his farm Craytonshaw at first and then Hillend. Towards the end of 1825 blacks murdered his cousin Robert Greig and an unknown shepherd during his absence in Sydney