Search Result
Surname: Parrett (Parrott)
First Name: Stephen
Ship: Asia 1832
Date: 1832 5 July
Place: Hunter River
Source: SG
Details: Seaman assigned to James Mudie
Surname: Parrett (Parrott)
First Name: Stephen
Ship: Asia 1832
Date: 1847 29 December
Place: Scone
Source: MM
Details: Obtained Ticket of Leave
Surname: Parrett (Parrott)
First Name: Stephen
Ship: Asia 1832
Date: 1834 4 June
Place: -
Source: GG 1834
Details: Apprhended after absconding from James Mudie
Surname: Parrett (Parrott)
First Name: Stephen
Ship: Asia 1832
Date: 1842 25 January
Place: Patrick Plains
Source: SG
Details: Granted Ticket of leave
Surname: Parrett (Parrott)
First Name: Stephen
Ship: Asia 1832
Date: 1837
Place: Patrick Plains
Source: GRC
Details: Age 29. Assigned to James Mudie
Surname: Parrett (Parrott)
First Name: Stephen
Ship: Asia 1832
Date: 17 May 1847
Place: Newcastle gaol
Source: State Archives NSW; Kingswood, New South Wales; Gaol Description and Entrance Books, 1818-1930; Item: 2/2020; Roll: 757
Details: Stephen Parrott, labourer from Norfolk. Admitted to Newcastle gaol from Tamworth. To be sent to Hyde Park Barracks
Surname: Parrett (Parrott)
First Name: Stephen (Steven)
Ship: Asia 1832
Date: 1834 26 March
Place: Patrick Plains
Source: GG 1834
Details: Seaman aged 25 from Greenwich. 5'41/2"; ruddy compl., light brown hair, light hazel eyes, tattooes. Absconded from James Mudie 12 March
Surname: Parrott
First Name: Stephen
Ship: -
Date: 1847 18 September
Place: Tamworth
Source: MM
Details: Overseer at 'Moonboy'. Witness in trial of Edward Roberts
Surname: Parrott
First Name: Stephen
Ship: -
Date: 1849 20 January
Place: -
Source: MM
Details: Offering reward for horse lost at Harper's Hill
Surname: Parrott
First Name: Stephen
Ship: -
Date: 1834 10 April
Place: Patrick Plains
Source: SG
Details: Assigned to Major Mudie. Tied to a tree and flogged when he refused to join bushrangers. Declared he wished he had been hung rather than remain in service to Major Mudie
Surname: Parrott
First Name: Stephen
Ship: -
Date: 1854 1 March
Place: Bundabolla, Namoi River
Source: MM
Details: Sentenced to 6 years on the roads for stealing a horse belonging to Philip Thorley. Already serving another sentence as well